StarSurfer/StarBerry Rosie's Realm!

Hello!I'm StarBerry Rosie!*smilez*Whats a StarBerry you ask?Well they are alot like Wee Ones!Wee Ones and StarSurfers are Cousins!*Smilez*I'm StarBerry,a type of StarSurfer,Rosie and I come from DreamScape!!!*smilez*

As StarBerry Rosie I'm also D'Assistant of the StarBerry Realm!!!Of DreamScape I am D'Junior Assistant!*smilez*

StarSurfers Sphere
The StarSurfers Sphere is where all StarSurfers join together as one!*smilez*I'm D'Junior Assistant of the StarSurfers Sphere!*smilez*

Would you like to be a StarSurfer or a StarBerry?Why not drop by DreamScape or The StarSurfers Sphere?*smilez*Hope to see you there!

Where To Now?Just Click on the Text and Go!*smilez*
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