Whats The Site Fights? The Site Fights Is a WebCompetition where people join together!*smilez*"Where Fightings For Fun and FriendShips Begun".You can sign up your Website and start "fighting"!What'd ya say?You dont have a site?Hey thats okay!The site fights have lots of other things to offer!Like DInkwellWhere you can sign up to be a Quill!!!*smilez*There are also Wee Ones Realm!!!And of course DRealm of DSpirit!!And of course DreamScape where all the StarBerries live!!Quills,Spirits,Fairies, and Wee Ones all dust sites and such!*Smilez*StarBerries help the Homesteaders and leave lil gifts in their guestbooks!You can also be a Junior Assist,Assist,or even a Leader of a team(if you look/ask in the right places)!!!*smilez*The Site Fights is a great place and tons of fun!*smilez*So why not go sign up today?*grinz*

Where To Now?Just Click on the Text and Go!*smilez*
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