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Whats HUO?

HUO Links

Professor Mystic's Office
Care of Magical Creatures
CareTaker Mystic's Office

So whats HUO?You ask?Well Huo is Hogwarts University Online!This page is for Harry Potter Fans everywhere!You can actually take part in this site,by becoming a student,professor or even head of the house!This amazing page is made by a smart young girl of the age of 10!She is known as Prof.Aly-the headmistriss of HUO!The page goes from the sorting hat to the houses!*smilez*If you're a huge harry potter fan,then this lil gig is just for you!*smilez*

-Prof.Mystic/CareTaker Mystic
Head of Slytherin
Care of Magical Creatures

Where To Now?Just Click on the Text and Go!*smilez*
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Whats Huo?