Things that I've Learned...

-Things don't always make sense.
-Life is not full of happy endings
-Never make a decision you'll live to regret.
-Never give in to conformity
-Be ANYTHING but average
-Just because someone is popular, doesn't make them a good person
-Hold onto your true friends, and lose the ones who have hurt you.
-Let go of the past that may be holding you back from your future.
-Don't be afraid to try.
-Never ask your dad to help you with a math problem because it will turn into a five hour lecture.
-Words can hurt.
-Knives hurt even worse
..but words hurt all the same.
-Don't eat chapstick, no matter how good it smells
-If you believe you're beautiful on the inside, it will show on the outside.
-Be yourself, no matter what anyone else thinks.
-If you tell someone not to look..they always will
-Life has a funny way of working out in the end
-You may be tired, worn-out and weary, but you can never truely be defeated.
-Don't laugh when you're drinking something
-If you give someone a nickname, make sure you know their real name first.
-Be your own sweet self 98% of the time and superwoman the other 2%
-Always drink upstream from the herd.
-Laugh at your parents jokes
-When angry, count to 10. When really angry, swear.
-Never show off, it just makes you look like the biggest idiot in the world.
-If you get hit over the head with a blunt axe, you probably won't remember it too well.
-Never eat skittles while standing upside-down and laughing. The juices run up your nose and you never stop sneezing.
-Toasters are really shiny.