* Duo *

  • Name: Duo Maxwell

  • Nickname: Shinigami (The God Of Death)

  • Occupation: Gundam Pilot of Deathscythe Hell

  • Age: 15

  • History: Duo was an orphan who was taken in by the Maxwell Church. The church was burned and the people massacred by the Federation Army, but Duo managed to escape. He vowed to take revenge for his adoptive family's deaths and joined up with the Sweepers, where he met Proffessor G

  • Ups: Duo is the only comic relief in GW. He's optimistic, funny, and his Gundam is awesome!

  • Downs: When he gets punched in the stomach, he gets knocked out cold ;)

  • Why I like this character: Duo, to me, represents overcoming obstacles. He has had a dark past, and lives in a hellish present, but he always makes room for a brighter future. His cheery optimism, though most likely sheilding his own insecurities, is kind of an inspiration. It's like saying, "Here I am, here's where I'm going and I don't care what gets in my way. I've come through a lot and I can get through this too." I like that message, and I can relate to it too.


    Info on the Anime

  • Anime Name: Gundam Wing

  • Type: TV Series/Movie

  • Available: Cartoon Network AND Video Cassette/DVD

  • Rated: (Dubbed) Y7
    (Uncut) PG-13 for violence and language

  • Opinion: * * * * *(Out of 5)
    Related Websites

    Boys Don't Cry

    Duo's Garage

    Du-Berries And Cream