::You can see it looming up on the horizen. Two large, solid oak double-doors stand towering in front of you, their incredible mass making you feel suddenly small and insignificant. You know you mustn't but the temptation is irresistable. Slowly, you reach out your hand to touch the door. Before you can even shift your weight to press into the smooth wood, the massive structure creaks open. Without stopping to ponder this, you step inside, and take a good look around you. The room is filed to the ceiling with gigantic shelves, filled to the bursting with books.::
You have now entered the library

Hi! So, you found my library, huh? ::pouts:: Can't ANYONE read? ::points to a microscopic note on the entrance doors stating all trespassers will be beaten:: Oh well, since your here, you might as well stay. I could use some company..besides *him* ::motions to her friend, Bob, who is sitting on a large stack of books:: Anyway, feel free to browse around. But here's a big warning. I DID NOT WRITE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING STORIES! This just happens to be a collection of my absolute *favorite* online stories and fanfics! To see stories I DID write go HERE.

Disclaimer: I did NOT write any of these fics. Also most of there are either Harry Potter or Gundam Wing. No Yaoi content. And my top fav types of fic are Agnst/Death, Romance and Humor, fyi.

Of Birds And Chipmunks
By: Kate (No E-mail Given)
Category: Humor
Genre: Harry Potter
My Rating: 8/10
Why?: Pretty funny and well written, but not one of the best.
Warnings: None
Comments: I really liked this fic, its short and sweet, yet really funny.

Another Human's Touch
Another Human's Touch II: Saying Goodbye
Another Human's Touch III: Kindred Souls
Another Human's Touch IV: The Abduction
Another Human's Touch V: Reunited
Another Human's Touch: Epilogue- Ashiteru
By: DiDi (tsukino_diana@hotmail.com)
Category: Romance
Genre: Gundam Wing
My Rating: 9/10
Why?: Sweet, romantic and funny all at the same time.
Warnings: None
Comments: This was the first HYxRP fic I read and it's still one of my favorites.

Time Told
By: Ashlie (ShortyFries14@aol.com)
Category: Adventure // Mystery // Horror
Genre: Harry Potter
My Rating: 10/10
Why?: Intricate plot, incredible storyline, surprise twist
Warnings: Violence, Occasional Language, Adult Situations
Comments: This is my favorite HP fanfic. It incorperates all elements of fanfics into one compact well written story. If you haven't read this, you MUST!

Truth Or Dare- Chapter 1
Truth Or Dare- Chapter 2
Truth Or Dare- Chapter 3
Truth Or Dare- Chapter 4
Truth Or Dare- Chapter 5
Truth Or Dare- Chapter 6
Truth Or Dare- Chapter 7
By: DiDi (tsukino_diana@hotmail.com)
Category: Humor
Genre: Gundam Wing
My Rating: 8/10
Why?: Hilarious at certain parts, but can be boring in others.
Warnings: Language, Slightly Adult Situations
Comments: I really enjoy this fic as well, this author is one of my favorites.

I've Never
By: Jaelle (jaelle@ihug.co.nz) and Orla (ladyorla@yahoo.com)
Category: Humor
Genre: Gundam Wing
My Rating: 9/10
Why?: Absolutely hilarious!
Warnings: Language! Adult Situations!
Comments: One of the most well known GW fics and also one of the funniest.

Soul Healing
By: Stacey Hopson (ladyanime@mindspring.com)
Category: Romance
Genre: Gundam Wing
My Rating: 10/10
Why?: This fic is funny and romantic at the same time. At parts, even a bit sad.
It's really unique, considering the DMxRP pairing.
Warnings: LIME at the end!!
Comments: At first I was reluctant to read this one, but I'm glad I did. It's one of my all time favs!

Dangerous Games- Chapter 1
Dangerous Games- Chapter 2
Dangerous Games- Chapter 3
Dangerous Games- Chapter 4
Dangerous Games- Chapter 5
Dangerous Games- Chapter 6
Dangerous Games- Chapter 7
Dangerous Games- Chapter 8
Dangerous Games- Chapter 9
Dangerous Games- Chapter 10
Dangerous Games- Chapter 11
Dangerous Games- Chapter 12
Dangerous Games- Chapter 13
Dangerous Games- Chapter 14
Dangerous Games- Chapter 15
Dangerous Games- Chapter 16
Dangerous Games- Chapter 17
Dangerous Games- Chapter 18
Dangerous Games- Chapter 19
Dangerous Games- Chapter 20
Dangerous Games- Chapter 21
Dangerous Games- Chapter 22
Dangerous Games- Chapter 23
Dangerous Games- Chapter 24
Dangerous Games- Epilogue
By: Black Rose (destinysblackrose@hotmail.com)
Category: AU/Romance/Adventure
Genre: Gundam Wing
My Rating: 10/10
Why?: I usually don't like AU fics but this one just blew me away. The story is
so REAL and fits all the characters
Warnings: Language/Adult Situations
Comments: Please, I'm begging you, READ THIS ONE. Don't get scared cause it's long, once youstart, you never want it to end. Instead of our regular G-crew scenerio we have an AU of drug dealers,
crime, cops, mobs, affairs, scandels, love, violence and much more

By: Mika (mikazuki_usagi@hotmail.com)
Category: Romance/Agnst
Genre: Gundam Wing
My Rating: 9/10
Why?: This fic is hauntingly sad and sweet at the same time.
Warnings: Death
Comments: I love the symbolism and emotion tangled up in this story, a well excecuted fic.

By: Calliope (mizushims001@hawaii.rr.com)
Category: Agnst
Genre: Gundam Wing
My Rating: 10/10
Why?: The words are so powerful and creepy..she depicts the mind of the insane so well...::shivers::
Warnings: Death
Comments: One of my fav fics from one of my fav authors. The storyline is so disturbing yet moving..just read it.