* Heero *

  • Name: Unknown

  • Code Name: Heero Yuy

  • Occupation: Gundam Pilot of Wing Zero

  • Age: 15

  • History: Heero was raised by the assasin Odin Lowe. Not much is known about his past, other than he was trained by Dr. J to become devoid of any human emotions and to be the Perfect Soldier. Quite sad, believe me. ;'(

  • Ups: Well, he IS the perfect soldier! He's kinda good at..everything. Strong, physically and mentally, GREAT fighter..oh yeah, he's hot too!

  • Downs: ::sniffles:: Poor Heero and his lack of emotions! And his constant 'Hn'-ing.

  • Why I like this character: My first thought when I saw Heero was, "Wow he's cute!" My second thought was to glomp him. But getting over my initial shock, Heero is a very indepth, complex and interesting character that I love to analyze. He is strong in every way possible and excels in everything he does, which is the complete opposite of me. Just like Relena, I admire him and wish that I could be strong too ^_^ Oh, btw, did I mention Heero is my fav bishi??

    Info on the Anime

  • Anime Name: Gundam Wing

  • Type: TV Series/Movie

  • Available: Cartoon Network AND Video Cassette/DVD

  • Rated: (Dubbed) Y7
    (Uncut) PG-13 for violence and language

  • Opinion: * * * * *(Out of 5)
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