*Inside Jokes*
"I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people. "
[This page no longer updated- too many jokes to keep up with. It's here for the memories ^^;]
  • Amy- Famous Amos! Hey Bean Thing, I promise we'll stay on the insane side of the lunch table. You can stay on the sane side, unless you drink your water. LOL. You are so evil and gross with all the stuff you say at lunch, but it's soooooo funny! CHEERIOS! Roberto the sewing machine is evil! But so is Satan Lucifer Tom Riddle Jr. (Voldie for short) ELNAS RULE AND SINGERS DROOL! Amy, the #1 Spu! I'm Pain-In-The-Ass-Girl and you're How-Can-I-Make-Your-Life-Better-Than-Mine-Girl. Gerturde bFadkabo;-ba. I'm sorry Gert, I can't spell your last name. But its spelled just how it sounds! GO GERT YO GERT! Danger zone! If it's falling, just let it drop. Don't touch, dont look, just LET IT DROP. And if you spill something...clean it up! My doggy is peeing on your leg. Foooood! You WILL be poisoned today. YOU WILL! I like soapy cake. It's wacky because it looks funny. I can't wait to see the secret camera footage from the high tech microwave. I'm America's Sweetheart, and you're America's Good Girl (cough YEAH RIGHT cough) lol Diva Sisters! Luv ya lots..DIE DIE DIE! Dolls fight dirty! Jelly blood! I'm sorry for throwing you in the oven!

  • Alex- Hey your Excellency! Heero is MINE! He is hiding in my Super Hidden Hiding Spot of Secrecy! So don't even try it! And I am the Rogue Princess- you are the Rebel Duchess. Whoo! Now we have our own Heero's. Why didn't we think of this sooner? FORK BUDDY! Baby-In-The-Sun-Glare TM. HOOOOBASTANK!

  • Ashley- Hey chica! He is nude..but he does have a bow. Your karaoke machine is FUUUUN! And so is annoying the peoples in the chat rooms! Bad llama! Your alien planet is coolness! But mine is better! I'm an alien hybrid. Throw smarties at them! Your coat has a dead animal on it or something.

  • Brian- Survivor! You spit on my fire! I'll tiki torch your head! We have no balence! Hump Man! EEW! You humped the potato! I'm scarred for life!

  • Caitlin- You can't sit on the U.N.! There goes Russia...and Cuba..and China- poor China. And don't make me get out the No-Sitting-On-The-UN-Gun and shoot you with it. I'm twitching with anticipation. "Do you want a hug?" "No." "Can I hug the phone?" "Go ahead, just stay away from us." "He's clean! He's my puppy!" "Then why don't you hug him?" GHETTO!!!! And our state song is the BEEEEESSSSTT! Hi I'm from Illinois, where are you from? OH MY GOD! I go to O'Neill, where do you go? OMG!!!!! Hey Zoot! I'm your identical twin sister Dingo. Bad, naughty, wicked, evil Zoot! Lancelot should punish you. TRUNKS! TRUNKS! Not the men’s swimming shorts, but the muscular dude with the spiky blonde hair. Goku is faggish. Oh look, here comes the bitch! No, Caitlin, that's a guy with a box. Oh. LOL. What the hell is that smell? Caitlin, is that you? J/K! We all know it is the lemony fresh scent of Mr. Clean. We’re good little crabs! Theresa is a Pina Colada and Patti and Lara are lions. DEN-DRO-PHE-LIAC. Trunks is Hot-And-Spicy. Piper Airplane! Piper Wing! Gettin Trunkie wid it! Na na na na na na. Snatural's song sucks! That's not "CHEESE"! Look I made a bridge, it only took me like, what? 10 seconds? 11 tops! I'm gonna miss you guys, I'm gonna think of you every day, 24/7 9-5 and 2-Saturday. Sunday...I better take a break on Sunday. And August, I need August off too. SHOE-PHONE! Corn! Cob! On! The! Corn on the Cob! WINKLY FACE! What's upop?!?!? Go away 4KB (Kwazoople Krazy Killer Kangaroo Bitch) I seem to have accidentally spilled sugar on myself, do you have a napkin? What did you do with all that sugar? SHE ATE IT! The tornado is in my phone! Numchucks! When we walk outside the volleyball line, we get -ZZZZAp. We can pilage the village! Rape people too? NO! Just pillaging! Why do you have yellow eyes? Did someone pee on them? My name's Joe and I'm a baker. And this is-....well anyway. We don't do this everyday. You got my back? Yeah I got your back BOOM BOOM~! We're selling beef jerkey and a mending kit! Hi I'm Michael. Michael Jackson. We're completemoron13, we're one up on you! If it doesn't taste good and it's not fun, what's the point? Whores on the left! Get em while they're skanky! Dragonball Z Dude! Can you please tell them to shut up? Why? Cause we can hear what they're talking about and we don't like it. All the ditzes shall live on 154th street, and then one day a meteor will come down, and they'll look up and say "Omigod what's that big red light?" And then they will die. We'll come on over, take over they're street, be neighbors and RULE 154TH STREET! Peaches! Wow, we must be soulmates, can I call you Souly? Sure, why not. Okie Souly! I graduatated! Pie! Pi.. (symbol) Who's in Highschool?! Us! Who's not?! YOU! Give our daddy back back his hat! And his stick! Look at the bunnies everyone! They're so funny! Your Arista (Red Seashell Girl), I'm Ariel (Ariel) George Bush isn't so elfish but he could be a jockey.Caither Pally Molara! money, computer, interent, food, yes, go. money, computer, internet, food, no, grounded *snaps back to attention* WHAT?! Sammit! Get out of my omlete! JEWEL IS THE NEW HANGOUT! Little Caitlin just killed someone. Took her long enough. Shut up, she had to stop for a water break! George Bush is my homie! He's a rapper! We're sitting on the airplane with our walkmans! "Try number six." Did you scream? DID I SCREAM? Hey Afroman. Hey Afrobitch. Want to try again? Uh, yeah! Mr. Rogers! I saw him at a restaurant eating pancakes. He's my hero! Tom? TOM!

  • Carla- Peter!! He's just a pecan pie...or is he? Peter's your Amish hottie! LOL! Mr. Yoder is just a chester. A cookie through the computer! Hurrah!
  • Catherine- What's up my blind homie? I got the eye surgery and I'm still blind. Blind Charlies Angels unite. You better watch out cause we don't know where we're shooting.

  • Chris- Your finally up here, Lola! The showgirl with the pink feather in your hair! Or wait, is it black leather and chains? We're being stalked by Sweedish people! Radio Sweeden! And Chemistry is fun! Stop making fun of my sewing, I know I suck. You're going to be a nanny.. so there! So how's your Destinies Child page? Are you making one for T-EL-C? Watch out for the rake! You're fairy boy, flutter your wings on the long jump!!! LOOK! I spy a Swedish- Narwhale cooking mitt! He's gonna attack! Fairy Jump! Fairy Jump!

  • Courtney- My heart bleeds. Yet I don't have a heart any more. I see nothing. I feel nothing. I am nothing. And I sold my soul for a pack of gum. P.S. I'm lighting my scented candle.. Call 1-800-GET-A CLAW to order your own retractable cat claws! They come with a certificate of authenticity! FREE SAMPLES! Shwetty Balls! TIMMY!

  • Jessica- Hey "cuz" Remember that IM about Justin and Lancey destroying Britney Spears?? I still have it saved! LOL Regis and Kathy Lee scare me!

  • Joey- Stop waving to the locker! We're over here! And you took the last two pictures of my panoramic! One is of your hand and the other is of all our backs. Grrr, you can't run forever, you sit behind me! ^.^ Oh my nose, now I'll never be a super model! Creole Lady Marmalade! You signed Chris' yearbook w/ my name!

  • Katie- Roswell! Roswell! Roswell! ROSWELL! Nude Roswell, starring Max Evans! He's so mine, and you know it. Grrr. Haha the season premeire was so funny. You called me at every commercial break! And your brother is a jerk head!

  • Kristin- There's no use for abuse! AND MAX AND LIZ HAVE TO GET BACK TOGETHER- OR ELSE THE PRODUCERS WILL FACE MY WRATH!! MUAHAHAH. KAP3! We have the best fanclub in the universe! And now look what those damn producers have done! Max and Tess? It's just WRONG. THE LITTLE SLUT!! TESS, DIE BITCH DIE! 101 Ways to Kill Tess (from Roswell people!) MAX IS MIIIINE! Give me back my tape!

  • Lara- Hey running buddy! Lancey is the best member of N'Sync (and don't we know it ^^) And our Mexican Prozac dance is the best!!! GHETTO! Homie P!!!! Just call me PP! And the "P" Homies (I fixed it La, so there!) And don't forget your secret supply of moist toweletes. Lancey thrust! LOL He's pocketsized!! My sausage homie! Saucy-ges? No, sausages! Mooolllyyyy...SAUSAGE BISCUITS~! Howdy Jackson! I've lost my mojo..Are you sure you even had it to begin with? BOB- MILLIARDO- BILLIARDO! Hey Britney you slut, die die die!..I mean, omg your my best friend! Love ya lots! Diva Sister!! Dolls fight dirty! The water is coming into the basement, maybe if we put the couch over it, it'll go away! My name's Joe and I'm a baker. And this is-....well anyway. We don't do this everyday. You got my back? Yeah I got your back BOOM BOOM~! Caither Pally Molara! Bauble girl!

  • Laurie- HEY! You’re so far away I can barely see you! Evil Woman is going to lose and eye and we can buy her multicolored eyepatches! With flashing lights! And one that plays Christmas carols for all the holidays. It’s the Daily Dana! The Rampaging Chipmunks is the BEST band name. With our Wonder Twin Rings from Amish Acres we activate our magical powers. I have the power of FIRE and your have the power of FERTILIZER! The crap gun forever! I love your collage! Scratch and sniff! RPG rules! Go us!!

  • Lisa- I'm going to college, and then thanks to the help of my time machine, I'm going to go back and do it all over again. I'm afraid of walking around people..I like to walk into them! E is for elephant!
  • Melissa- Eat new friends, and eat the old- Some are tasty and the others mold! Poor Herbert- we kind of destroyed his entire froggy body. Never tell about the.....orange..SHHHHHHH!! The jigs are just too funny for words!

  • Michael- Gatamon got your tongue? Tap tap tap, clink clink clink. I AM INVINCIBLE! Cans of Canz!! Milliardo and Treize's "cool" picture! 3,1,2 blow your nose! Rubber ducky, you're so fine. Team-Work-YEAH! I WILL ALWAYS BE WITH YOU! That's an oxymoron, Daph. Anyone want a bing-yang? Coomayesha! Happy Villian Yeeben Day! Damn you Twink, DAMN YOU!! PAX MAN! I know how much you love Madison and Melfina! I demand a rematch! If you say so..because we're all good Christians down here. SAUNA SAUNA SAUNA! The Trowa Song! "Where are you? (circus freak!) Cathy..Cathy..Cathy...MY CIRCUS FREAK" The Wufei Song! "Stop peeing on Nataku! Aim the other way! INJUSTICE!" The Milliardo Song! "My hands they are stained with blood! I suggest Cloarax." The Quatre Song! "My name is Quatre! Good-bye friend Trowa! And I have a friend with pointy hair..RASHID! Nil..nil...I can't stop saying...NIL!" Now young man, don't be foolish! IT'S SYLVIA NOVENTA! AHH *bang*

  • Molly- MIFFLE! "MRS. NORRIS! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" "Meow" "Draco that was a very evil thing to do, your father will be so proud." Jonathon's future is looking bright with his wedding dress, crocheted hat & bag set, & b.i. LOL! And he and Pete can be dent brothers at the park. ^.^ "Santa..I've been naughty.." HEERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LI!!!!! We are so Duo's little sisters. And you are the Devil Child! GHETTO!!!!! the 'hugable bear' must stop! GRANDMA MOSES! Mmm, Heero is finger licking good. Mini Wufei and Trowa are oh so funny! Excuse me I have to go get myself. What does Doo Wop remind you of? Apple Pie. Do you have a secret dream about to catch something jiggly? Maybe.... She ate a butterfly! LOLOLOL! God wrote the 10 comandments on Grandma Moses' face with magic marker. MmmmmmmMOO. 3,2,1 ACTION! I'm sorry, I poked four holes in Duo!! I'm such a baaaaaad girl. BROKEN SPRINKLER! Heero is NOT toast OR bread. He's...an...egg. SHOE-PHONE! Go away 4KB (Kwazoople Krazy Killer Kangaroo Bitch) I seem to have accidentally spilled sugar on myself, do you have a napkin? What did you do with all that sugar? SHE ATE IT! My name's Joe and I'm a baker. And this is-....well anyway. We don't do this everyday. You got my back? Yeah I got your back BOOM BOOM~! Caither Pally Molara! money, computer, interent, food, yes, go. money, computer, internet, food, no, grounded *snaps back to attention* WHAT?! Pre-smackification. Post smackification. De-farted! Eew the batmobile at Six Flags! See, I memorized this one person's looks so I can tell if there's one car or two. And she just came back so there's only one car. *car zooms by* What was that? I DON'T KNOW! My name is not Rellie. It's Relena, Lena, Rena, Re, but not Rellie! And I am NOT the kitchen wench! Ungrateful peon! Sup Neice. We're gonna kill Milli one of these days.br>
  • Natalie- Yes!! We are Team CAN! Our theme song is: "SAFTEY! Na na na na na na SAFTEY!" And out mascot is the little muscrat that is ready to kill something. C'mon, that deserves an 'A' right there! Oh, don't forget, my name is SOOKAN. And your's is Harry.

  • Patti- Hey best Patti friend! And movie-goer, of course. GHETTO!!! Jungle Grammar is the bestest song in the world! Especially your ending to it. Cr*pper! OK OK I won't call you that anymore. Our handshake is better than La's and Caitlins! My name's Joe and I'm a baker. And this is-....well anyway. We don't do this everyday. You got my back? Yeah I got your back BOOM BOOM~! Caither Pally Molara! Sit down please. Tegusegalpa! Closing gates one. Closing gates two. Closing gates three and four. Closing gates five and six. ::play funny hall music:: Hahah your computer had a walrus on it. Trowa! Stealing Kelli's R's! A A A A A A A. Verne the fern! Stop making fun of my cow, fool. I'm the Fool of the World, you are the Fool's Toilet Scrubber, yet somehow I'm the Fool's toilet. It makes no sense! It's called the on button. At least I'm popular. Mr. Fairy! See that tall guy over there? Well I had this dream last night.. The farmer who fed his cows birdseed and cheep cheep milk! War is hell, but it beats 6th period. Boo Boo the monkey! I GOT AN A! Sorry, continue. Aaaaw Mr. Miller! He's gonna call on me and I won't know the answer. Just say 5. Egg-spear-a-mint. I like that one.

  • Sasha- GoodY Goodies 4 eva! And Yeknom and Keymon shall rule the Earth! Oh, and Sinbad too. Damn our Destiny! The Corn King and his Corn people!

  • Scott- Extreme! Anything can be made into an extreme sport. Like Extreme Ignoring Scott. Everyone has elbow gaurds and go around on skateboards doing tricks while you yell at them. It'd be great. No one wants the Game Fist. Hahaha. Cool Megatokyo lingo! Learn the meaning of ph33r. Oh yes. Sum41 kicks ass! Because you don't know us at all we laugh when old people fall!

  • Sydney- You stupid purple frog! Get a real costume! And quit popping up out of nowhere and damning people. It's disturbing. LOL we like distrcting people when they're trying to participate in gym. Scary ditzes in English ::shudder::

  • Theresa- Sup playstation whack sup! Chillin in w/ our frickin friends is fun, but calling Mr. Festle a dwarf is a great way to pass the time. FALCON! FALCON! We all know where Mr. Purdom goes on Friday nights.. "Ladies!" ::wink wink:: Oh, and who can forget making fun of the ditzes, especially SL and her pig? Hm..I wonder if Joe's prediction of your future is going to be right...LOL!!! Just don't go to any clubs that night, AND DON'T DRINK THE PUNCH! **WE AREN'T ON THE MOUNTAIN, WE'RE FLYING ABOVE IT!** Heheh, Roomies and our Best Caitlin Friend. I LOVE THE ORGAN MAN! HE PLAYS "GUYS AND DOLLS"!!!!!!!!!!!! Starfish, starfish, where are you going? The Chad is great. The Chad is stuck. "LOOK OUT BIRD! LOOK OUT FOR THE CAR!" Timmy aka George is my new best friend! He's the poster boy for the YMCA and enjoys smacking himself in the face with baseball bats. If I had a clan we would be called the 'Anti-Cheerleaders' We would not sit in the bleachers. We would roam underneath them causing random acts of mayhem. Hannibal Lector! I ate his liver on a rasin bagel with a glass of Sunny-D. ::funny mouth noise:: To the Batcave! Prozac can make it better, especially Mexican prozac. New cornflakes with ecstacy! GHETTO!!! Can you picture the teachers (esp. Mr. Jones) doing the thing with the glowstick and the pacifier, or even the Dr. Suess hat in the office building?? LOL!! Mango! Mango! Mango! I'm reciving a secret message in code! Dad you're leaning on the keyboard again. TEENS THAT ARE FRIENDS! The volleyball may have missed you but you still have brain damage. I'M SO HAPPY! //\\//*SYNC! The secret message on the ceiling still stands. TIMMY! Crèm Brule anyone? Look what I made daddy! Because it's not their problem, it's yours. Save me Jeebus! RIDE WITH NELLY! My name's Joe and I'm a baker. And this is-....well anyway. We don't do this everyday. You got my back? Yeah I got your back BOOM BOOM~! Caither Pally Molara! And then yesterday at the urinals... LOL You can have my banana! Eew, you have sick minds! JEWEL IS THE NEW HANGOUT! Joey! Get out of there and stop eating the White Castle. Chris, are you okay? Are you okay Chris? Do I make your A drive spin? It's American Pie #3 with Brian and the cookie! I'm being stupid again. I should really work on that. Did you scream? DID I SCREAM? Hey Afroman. Hey Afrobitch. Want to try again? Uh, yeah!

  • Whitnee- You're going down Hobo! Heheheh, and I will get you your x-mas present, next year. Can't forget Alex and his obsession with Midol and Applejuice! WARM APPLE CIDER!!! It's a baby. Alex smells like roses and his arm sparkles when he moves.