Just Communication
Heero's Image Song

Just wild beat, communication
While being pounded by rain
I want to let you know the unfading hot feelings inside me

I held your damp shoulders to warm you
Your fingers tremble--what are they seeking?
In broken speech, tell me why you want this pain
You no longer seem so grown up, as your pretenses fade
I want to protect this image of you--
Believe that love will change sadness to strength

Just wild beat, communication
Don't be afraid of anything
Because noone's going to take away the shared feelings of now, our youth
Just wild beat, communication
While being pounded by rain
I want to let you know the unfading hot feelings inside me

Just wild beat, communication
Don't be afraid of anything
Because noone's going to take away the shared feelings of now, our youth
Just wild beat, communication
While being pounded by rain
I want to let you know the unfading hot feelings inside me

Until the faraway dawn, I want to spend the night nestled close to you
We can lose everything else, as long as we don't lose gentleness
From words, through kisses, we feel each other's heartbeats
Drawing passion near, for an instant, for eternity...
Painfully, violently, I want to focus on this
In this tearful situation, only you are precious

Just wild beat communication
Don't surrender anything
Beacause, if we both understand each other, we'll be able to fight as one
Just wild beat communication
Don't let go of love
This overflowing, hot face will tell you its deepest secrets

h o m e