* Li *

  • Name: Syaoran Li

  • Name (Dubbed): Li Showron

  • Occupation: Card Captor

  • Age: 10

  • History: Li came from Hong Kong in search of the Clow Cards. He met up with Sakura, who was keeping the cards, and tried to force her to give them up. After he failed, he decided to aide her in capturing them.

  • Ups: Li is very dedicated and holds honor and trust in high standards. Plus you gotta luv them anti-socials.

  • Downs: He can be downright mean to both Sakura and Meiling! >.< Hiisss

  • Why I like this character: Li stays cool under fire and can sort through whatever is happening. He thinks and uses strategy in battle rather than panic like a certain other Card Captor we know ^_~


    Info on the Anime

  • Anime Name: Card Captors (Card Captor Sakura undubbed)

  • Type: TV Series/Movie

  • Available: Kids WB & VHS/DVD

  • Rated: (Dubbed) Y7
    (Uncut) PG

  • Opinion: * * * (Out of 5)
    Related Websites

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    Sakura + Syaoran Fascination

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