~ Movie Goers ~

The Movie Goers is a group consisting of me and three of my bestest friends Theresa, Caitlin and Patti. Every Friday we go to Girodanos for pizza and then to see a movie. It's our custom and now it's our clique. Behold the realm of The Movie Goers

Movie Goers - Episode 1
[Codename: Attack of the Halloween Hugman]
  • Movie: Charlie's Angels
  • Attendence: All four movie goers
  • Restaurant: Being our first movie goers adventure , we all were prepared to have a blast. At Giordanos we got acquainted with the staff. I'm not quite sure if this is a good thing or a bad one, but now they recognize us when we enter.. Anyway, it was here that Caitlin and I planted the cherry cam and the 'brella mic on Patti's drink (and she swallowed them.) Damn you Patti! We also freaked out a group of little kids by speaking in a Brittish accent.
  • Freetime: After we finished eating, we had lots of time to kill before the movie started. We decided to go to Starbucks. Everyone ordered hot cider except for me. I went with hot chocolate but somehow the lady switched my order with someone else's. The guy who ended up with my chocolate was this guy with a cool black laptop. Anyway, we straightened the whole thing out and then I went back to waving at cars with the rest of the Movie Goers.
  • Pre-Movie: When we got to the movie theater, guess who was there? The Organ Man! Who is the Organ Man you ask? He's the little old man that plays the organ before the movie starts. The organ buzzes a lot and we've determined that the noise is an electric taser that is built into the keys. Whenever the Organ Man dies, he leans on the keys and the shock restarts his heart. The Organ Man is awesome, he plays Guys and Dolls! Check out the song we made for the Organ Man at The Preschool.
  • Movie: Charlie's Angels wasn't the best movie I've seen, but it wasn't too bad either. It was sorta funny and cool, yet chessy all at the same time. From the movie we gave ourselves new nicknames. I'm Lucy Lu, Patti is my girl Drew, Theresa is Cameron D, my right foot is Destiny (don't ask) and Caitlin is Lucy 2.
  • Fav Part: All the parts with Tom Green, especially the outakes at the end.
  • Fav Quote: "The Chad is great! The Chad is..stuck."
  • Fav Char: Alex
  • Movie Rating: 8/10
  • Fun Rating: 10/10
  • After the Show: Just because you live in a fairly quiet town doesn't mean weird stuff won't happen to you. We were walking down the street when this white van pulled up right in front of us and blocked our path. A highschool guy jumped out wearing a weird Halloween mask and asks, "Can I give you a hug?" We all say "No" of course and walk away. After that the van drives up again and about 10 highschoolers file out. They all seem drunk (or perhaps they're that way naturaly) Either way, the same guy (minus the mask this time) comes up and says, "Will you hug me now?" We say, "No." Then he responds, "Can I hug the phone?" Caitlin, the brave, says "Go ahead just stay away from us." Then this girl with bright red hair comes up and latches herself onto Halloween Hugman. "Don't worry," she says "He's clean. He's my puppy." Caitlin says, "Then why don't you hug him?" To make a long story short, no one hugged him and we managed to escape. But just incase we want to turn those losers in, we memorized their lisence plate ## to the tune of the Charlie's Angels theme. "D-201-142" Go ahead Hugman, make our day.

    Movie Goers - Episode 2
    [Codename: Gaylord Focker]
  • Movie: Meet The Parents
  • Attendence: All four movie goers
  • Restaurant: Not too much happened this time. The Brittish accents made a re-appearance as did the uncanny coincidence that glasses and dishes break whenever we come to eat. I was also accused of breaking a vase with this fake flower in it (WHICH I DIDN'T. I was so framed.) And Theresa almost choked to death on two occasions while we watched in mild amusment.
  • Freetime: Every winter our town has this winter festival where all these ice carvers come and sculpt their creations, then display them all over town. This year's theme was Disney. Not only were their Disney sculptures all over the place, but people where dressed up as the characters as well. We had time to kill after we looked at all the sculptures so we went into Anderson's Book Store. It was here that we were confronted by Beauty and the Beast. The Beast was really creepy (::cough:: Chester ::cough::) He had this funny way of talking where his voice went really high. When he came by us I turned around, saw him and screamed "Whoah! Don't hurt me!" He said "Don't worry, I am a friendly beast." Then he gave us these pin paper crowns and finally leaves us alone after babbling senselessly for awhile.
  • Pre-Movie: Nothing much happened except me and Patti went to go talk to the ORgan Man and request "Guys and Dolls" He didn't respond to us, but just before his organ began to sink into the floor he played it. Everyone started cheering (I'm serious!) and the Organ Man turned around and waved. Rock on Organ Man, rock on!
  • Movie: Meet the Parents was hysterical! They showed a lot of the funniest parts on the commerical but there's still a lot of good material in the movie too.
  • Fav Part: I liked the part where's he's waiting at the airport and no one else is there. And of course the scene where he fights with the flight attendant on the airplane.
  • Fav Quote: "Why don't you get the sticks out of your head, open up your ears and if you can pry this bag from my KUNG FU GRIP, I think you better just step down bitch!" & "You can't say bomb on an airplane."
  • Fav Char: Mr. Jynx
  • Movie Rating: 9/10
  • Fun Rating: 10/10

    Movie Goers - Episode 3
    [Codename: Strong Tea]
  • Movie: Vertical Limit
  • Attendence: Me, Caitlin, Theresa (Patti couldn't come) Non-movie Goers Molly and Swapna came instead.
  • Restaurant: Welps, it was interesting, but not as much fun w/o our best Patti friend. Molly made fun of Theresa about the future Joe predicted for her (I won't go into detail T!) and Swapna remained neutral as always. Caitlin and I were our crazy selves and I didn't break another vase.
  • Freetime: If my memory serves me correctly, I think we went straight t the movie but we were late anyways and missed the Organ Man.
  • Pre-Movie: No organ Man ::sniff::
  • Movie: I myself did not like this movie at all. It was really slow to start out with not to mention BORING. Plus, they talked so fast you couldn't understand them. It didn't have much of a plot, just your typical action flick.
  • Fav Part: The opening scene where Chris O'Donnell is scaling the mountain. (His eyes are so pretty! LOL Patti)
  • Fav Quote: This wasn't even IN the movie but we said it so much it might as well have been. "STRONG TEA!"
  • Fav Char: No one I hated them all!
  • Movie Rating: 7/10
  • Fun Rating: 8/10

    Movie Goers - Episode 4
    [Codename: They Call Me Mr. Glass]
  • Movie: Unbreakable
  • Attendence: All the movie goers
  • Restaurant: After a long tiring week at school all of us were fried. However, we did manage to amuse ourselves by memorizing funny phrases in Spanish and French (Sus seres inferiores a mi intelecto!) There was also a disturbing little girl who was crawling up and down the aisles jumping around and doing the mobo.... o.O
  • Freetime: Once again, no free time.
  • Pre-Movie: Ditto
  • Movie: I love this movie! It has a really cool interesting plot and the characters are really believable. Special effects are neato. Surprise twist alert too!!
  • Fav Part: Even though it was scary, the orange jumpsuit janitor's part was awesome.
  • Fav Quote: "I like your house, can I come in?" & "No shooting friends!" & "They call me Mr. Glass"
  • Fav Char: Orange Jumpsuit Man!
  • Movie Rating: 10/10
  • Fun Rating: 9/10

    Movie Goers - Episode 5
    [Codename: S-I-N-G]
  • Movie: Miss Congeniality
  • Attendence: Me and Theresa (Caitlin and Patti couldn't come). Non-Movie Goer Sydney came too.
  • Restaurant: Nothing too out of the ordinary. We spent our time dissing teachers and enemies and cracking up about inside jokes.
  • Freetime: Once again, no free time.
  • Pre-Movie: Sydney got introduced to the Organ Man! For his grand finale he played Guys and Dolls and we sang along w/ the reprise.
  • Movie: This is a really funny movie! It does a great job of insulting shallow blondes and the main character acts a lot like me, clutzy and dorky!
  • Fav Part: When everyone is practicing their dance moves and she just doesn't understand them.
  • Fav Quote: "She's just gonna throw it up anyway!" & "Always remember to SING! Sidestep, Instep, Nose, Groin!"
  • Fav Char: Gracie, she's just like me
  • Movie Rating: 9/10
  • Fun Rating: 9/10
    Movie Goers - Episode 6
    [Codename: Dendropheliac]
  • Movie: Monty Python and The Holy Grail/ Can't Hardly Wait/ Billy Madison
  • Attendence: All four movie goers
  • Restaurant: Wondering why there are three movies listed? It's because we forfited traditional Moviegoers this week (cause a sucky movie was playing at the Tivoli) and had a sleepover + movie marathon instead. We stil ordered in Giordanos pizza (and Theresa spilled it on the carpet, yes it was you! Don't argue!)
  • Freetime: Sleepovers are always nuts. We were all absolutley pyshco. We played Super Smash Brothers and kicked the virtual crap out of eachother. Then we talked to Joe (our Ouija board) and got scared. Listened to the radio, slid down banisters, plus all the normal sleepover junk.
  • Movie: Monty Python: I particuarly LOVE this movie. But you have to be twisted in order to enjoy it. Theresa hated it, but too bad. Can't Hardly Wait I thought this one was funny too especially since we assigned ourselves and other people in our school parts in the movie. Billy Madison I've seen this so many times I practically know the whole movie by heart but its still funny.
  • Fav Part: Monty Python: There's too many! The part with Zoot and Dingo, the Knights of Ni, Tim the Sorcerer, The Carnivorous Bunny Rabbit, Black Knight etc. Can't Hardly Wait Again too many funny parts, "Auditiong for Soultrain", The Sheep girl, Making fun of Kenny, etc. Billy Madison Shampoo vs Conditioner and chasing the penguin.
  • Fav Quote: Monty Python: "I'm not Zoot, I'm her identical twin sister, Dingo." & "Run away! RUN AWAY! Keep running!" & "Come back here you coward I'll bite your legs off!" Can't Hardly Wait "Why you gotta waste my flava, damn." & "Yo Karin baby, wassup!" & "Hahahahah, that's not funny!" Billy Madison "Ooh, I see what's going on in here." & "So sorry to interrupt!" & "This is Miss Lippy's time!"
  • Fav Char: The Black Knight/Kenny/The Penguin
  • Movie Rating: All 9/10
  • Fun Rating: 10/10

    Movie Goers - Episode 7
    [Codename: Subliminal Messages]
  • Movie: Josie And The Pussycats
  • Attendence: Me, Theresa and Caitlin (Patti couldn't come).
  • Pre-Movie: Well, we did something different again this time too. That crappy movie was still at the Tivoli so we went to the mall and then to the movies. At the mal we had a blast. We picked out outfits (some crazy, some normal and some just plain FUGLY) and tried them all on in the dressing rooms. My favorite was this army tank top, and I found this disco shirt w/ a black mini skirt (lol) and the butt ugly Lucille Ball dress. Caitlin had the shirt w/ one sleeve, this cool orange shirt and a dress. Theresa had a couple dresses but nothing too out-there. We (meaning Theresa and Caitlin) wanted to try on prom dresses but the line was too long and they all smelled like White Castle (JOEY!) Then we roamed the mall terrorizing Sam Goody, Treats and More, the food court (where Caitlin was mean to an old lady! Bad Caitlin!)
  • Movie: I liked this movie, I thought it was funny in a really cheesy sort of way. We gave ourselves nicknames from this movie too, Caitlin is Josie, I'm Melody and Theresa is Val. The music in the movie is AWESOME I want the soundtrack badly!!
  • Fav Part: The part where Josie turns bitchy and starts yelling at Val and Mel.
  • Fav Quote: "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!" & "You guys, it's NOT the 'O'." & "You know, if I wasn't so involved in this whole brainwash the youth of America with subliminal messages, we could go out!" & "D'Jour is emergency positions!" & "Man, you know my mom's dead."
  • Fav Char: Josie
  • Movie Rating: 9/10
  • Fun Rating: 10/10

    Movie Goers - Episode 8
    [Codename: WILSON!]
  • Movie: Castaway
  • Attendence: Me, Theresa and Caitlin (Patti couldn't come). Non-Moviegoer Lara came too, and we met up with Carla and Laurie at the Tivoli.
  • Restaurant: Lots of fun at the restaurant. We had to plan for the movie we're going to make over the summer and get the casting and basic ideas for the script down. We also brought the Josie CD along to choose music for the movie. Lara was hyper beyond belief (i.e. Bouncing over to Theresa, slurping up the cheese) and we feared for our lives. We saw Alex there too, he was w/ his family. (We were annoying him and when he finally sat down his dad goes "Are those girls from school? LOL) "All I need is a little LSD! Love for Sons and Daughters" "Who's the father?" "Oh, I think we all know that answer." "WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING!" LOL!!!! Sorry, couldn't help it. Anyway, we also succeeded in scaring the waitress because we were all pointing forks, knives and pizza cutters at eachother when she came to take our food away. ^.^
  • Pre-Movie: We saw Carla and Laurie at the Tivoli and we also got these nifty cards that if you get enough stamps you can get a free movie. But they raised prices a quarter! NOT FAIR.
  • Movie: Castaway was long and boring. The end was cheesy, corny and utterly stupid. The only good parts in the whole movie were when the plane crashed and of course, Wilson, the only person who can act.
  • Fav Part: When Wilson floats away. Caitlin was actually crying! I started laughing at her and she started cracking up through her tears. Oh, and I liked the part where he opened the Fed Ex box and found the dress (sent to Lola from Mr. Festle)
  • Fav Quote: "Wilson, I'M SORRY!"
  • Fav Char: WILSON!
  • Movie Rating: 6/10
  • Fun Rating: 10/10

    Movie Goers - Episode 9
    [Codename: The Matrix Has You]
  • Movie: The Matrix
  • Attendence: Me, Caitlin, Patti (Theresa couldn't come) Non-Movie Goer Molly came too.
  • Restaurant: None, the Tivoli was showing a crappy movie to we all went over to Caitlin's house and ordered in pizza. We were all STARVING.
  • Pre-Movie: Um...got tackled by Caitlin's dog. OH and we also pounded on her keyboard.
  • Movie: I love this movie, its my favorite! I have officially seen it 24 times and know almost all of the dialogue. If you haven't seen this movie, first of all, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? and second of all SEE IT NOW!!
  • Fav Part: SO many! In fact, there's too many to name. Just off the top of my head, the part w/ Spoon Boy, when Neo goes through the metal detector, the sparring program, Switch's death scene, when Neo turns into The One.. etc etc etc
  • Fav Quote: TOO MANY! "What do you need besides a miracle? Guns..lots of guns.." & "Do not try to bend the spoon, that's impossible. Instead try to realize the truth. There is no spoon. Then you will see it's not the spoon that bends, it's only yourself." & "Digital pimp hard at work." & "Please remove any metalic items you have like keys, loose change..holy shit!"
  • Fav Char: Neo, Trinity, Mouse & Switch
  • Movie Rating: 20/10
  • Fun Rating: 9/10

    Movie Goers - Episode 9.5
    [Codename: It's so warm!]
  • Movie: Final Fantasy
  • Attendence: Me, Caitlin (Non-Movie Goers Lara and Molly came too.)
  • Pre-Movie: We did this episode of Moviegoers a little differently from ones in the past. First we went to the movie (on it's opening day!) and then we went out to eat afterwards.
  • Movie: I love this movie! And it's not just because I'm an anime nut either (I don't even PLAY the FF game!) but it was just a cool flick! The ending is SO sad ;(
  • Restaurant: Funness! DBZ Dude (our waiter) wasn't there..but we did have a nice waiter who told Kelly Hires and her gay friends to SHUT UP. LOL Pecan Pie, Teira Misu, and Carmalized Apple Slices!
  • Fav Part: The fight scenes against the Phantoms when they infiltrate the city.
  • Fav Quote: "I heard this machine causes sterility, I want to have lots of little Neil Jr.'s running around calling me daddy!" & "It's not like I can wave my magic wand and make the bars dissapear..Wow." & "I think we should proceed to the nearest emergancy exit."
  • Fav Char: Aki
  • Movie Rating: 10/10
  • Fun Rating: 9/10

    Movie Goers - Episode 9.75
    [Codename: My dad is going to kick your ass!]
  • Movie: The Mummy Returns
  • Attendence: Me, Caitlin (Non-Movie Goer Molly came too.)
  • Restaurant: We went to Roundheads for a change of scenery, but instead met up with the waitress from hell (aka The 4KB) I had opened a sugar packet and I asked her for a napkin and she snaps, "They're in the bathroom." Then she took our sugar tray away! So we got up and stole another one from an empty table. I ate the sugar I had opened and we switched seats just to confuse her. When she came back, Caitlin put a napkin over the sugar tray we had moved to our table and she looks at us (evilly) and says, "Where did you put that sugar?" We all say, "She ATE it." Duh. What a bitch.
  • Pre-Movie: Organ Man was here! We found out his name, but I forgot it. I know it's Polish. ^_^
  • Movie: This movie is just as good as the sequel! Funnier, in my opinion, even though the Mummy is not nearly as creepy as he was in the first one.
  • Fav Part: The funny fight on the double decker bus.
  • Fav Quote: "Oh Jesus, get a room!"
  • Fav Char: The Mummy! Im-Ho-Tep! He's da bomb. lol
  • Movie Rating: 9/10
  • Fun Rating: 9/10

    Movie Goers - Episode 10! (finally)
    [Codename: Hey, wait up! No, not you. I don't even know you!]
  • Movie: The Princess Diaries
  • Attendence: Me, Caitlin, Patti, Theresa
  • Pre-Movie: The theater was CROWDED. We barely got a seat. But when we did, we, uh sat.. Watched the previews. I looked at the floor when the evil Harry Potter Movie preview came on. ::shudder::
  • Movie: This movie was really good, but not as great as I thought it would be. It was still funny though and I love her room.
  • Fav Part: When she ruined Mandy's cheerleader outfit. HAH!
  • Fav Quote: "Hope you have a foot poppin first kiss honey!" & "Can I call you Joe?" "Hahahaha, no."
  • Fav Char: Well...I love Erik, I really do, but his character was such a jerk. Soo my fav char is Joseph!
  • Movie Rating: 9/10
  • Fun Rating: 9/10

    Movie Goers - Episode 11
    [Codename: Did I come at a bad time?! Asshole!]
  • Movie: Rat Race
  • Attendence: Me, Caitlin, Theresa
  • Pre-Movie: Nothing..just sat down..watched previews. Ya know ^_^
  • Movie: HILARIOUS! I love this movie. I couldn't stop laughing!
  • Fav Part: Chasing her boyfriend with the helicopter and laughing insanely as she kills his car. Muahaha.
  • Fav Quote: "...In a jacuzzi of Pepto-Bizmo." & "The Nazi-mobile!"
  • Fav Char: Seth Green's char.
  • Movie Rating: 10/10
  • Fun Rating: 9/10