In my opinion here are the cutest guys in TV shows, movies and music. On with the obsessions ^^ :

Ah, I developed an obsession with Christian when I saw BBMak preform live at the Pop Oddessy concert this summer. He is SO cute and you can't help but love the Brittish accent!

So he's an anime cartoon. Your point is? He really is cute! Any true otaku would agree with me on this one. If you didn't know his hair isn't always blonde and pointy although he looks good either way. I just hate it when he has long hair though, it looks so bad. I always scream for him to get a haircut.

Freddie is just one hot guy. I dunno what it is about him, but he's just really good looking. Not to mention extremely nice. All the articles I read in magazines have nothing but good stuff to say. I'm guilty of watching 'She's All That' at least a million times to see him in it.

Mmm Keanu Reeves, or as I call him most of the time, Neo. He's so cool! And he can kill people and doge bullets ^_^

Duo, you gotta love him. Not only is he a real cutie but he's got the best personality. Plus he's got the only sense of humor in Gundam Wing. The braided boy wonder is certainly on this list to stay. Shinigami forever!

What is there to say about JC besides "WOW". He is one of the cutest member of NSync! He has an awesome singing voice. I love his new haircut too!

LANCEY! N*Sync's boy-next-door cutie! Forget Justin, Lance has it all! He may not be a lead singer but it sure doesn't take away from his looks, and he's the cutest member of N*Sync!

If there couldn't be more than one #1 spot I think that these top three guys would all tie. Jason Behr is absolutely one of the CUTEST guys ever! Incase you're stupid and don't know who he is, he plays Maxwell (Max) Evans on 'Roswell' (the bestest show!)He's such a good actor too, an added bonus.

As any of my friends know, Heero is the bestest anime guy around. We have a bazillion in-jokes about him (cough Lar Molly and Catie cough) but he's MINE. So ya'll better BACK OFF. Sure, he's suicidal and anti-social but aren't we all? No wait..maybe thats just me. LOL

ERIK VON DETTEN, God's gift to me. He used to be a regular on the show 'So Weird' as the character Clu. He starred in the Disney movie 'Brink' and when he was younger was one of the twins in the re-make of 'Escape To Witch Mountain'. I have a small Erik obsession. I used to have at least 30 posters of him (they got lost ::sniffle::) but I printed out a bunch more. If you have not seen a movie/show with Erik in it...WATCH ONE NOOOOWWWW! He's #1 in my book!

Runner-Ups:Ryan Phillipe, Noah Wyle, Josh Harnett