::cue scary music:: Welcome, boys and girls to the place where the layouts toss and turn in their graves..MUAHHAHAHAH! View the past layouts if you dare, but do not steal them. If you do, they will make you pay..from beyond the graaaaave! Muahaha! ::end scary music::

Layout #1 : Daria2K
My very first attempt at a layout. It's okay, I like the theme, but I could have developed it a lot more.

Layout #2 : Perfect Soldier 2.0
I really liked this layout, it's my favorite one as of yet. Wonder why ^^ Besides the fact that it stars my fav bishounen Heero, it's set up nicely.

Layout #3 : Paper Cranes
This layout is okay, kinda plain but neat and in order.

Layout #4 : Uptown Glam
My first uploaded layout. I think I did a good job with it. Especially since the picture needed to be edited in order to cut out Wufei ^-^

Layout #5: Tragedy
This layout was assembled in a bit of a hurry and is in rememberence of the terrorist attacks.

Layout #6: Friends Forever
Ugh, I just hate this layout. Maybe this is why it was only up for .. 3 days? Eh, it was just a terrible idea that I never should have done. But this is what happens when you get bored.

Entrance Banners Archive

Oh, btw, all of the links in the layouts have been disactivated, they're just here for you to see how purty they are!