Rants and Raves

Well, it’s Valentines Day once again. The day filled with sappy love poems, allergy activating flowers, and nasty creme filled chocolates. Personally, I wouldn’t care if Valentines Day, and everything related to it, was condemned to rot in hell for all eternity. But, why? you ask. What has Valentines Day done wrong? Well first of all, this entire Valentines thing has gotten WAY out of hand. It is SUPPOSED to be a holiday in honor of St. Valentine. Does anybody remember this? No. The entire day is dedicated to the exchange of small scraps of paper and mindless chatter about little naked midgets running around and shooting you with heart shaped arrows. Where is the sanity in this? Please, someone come to their senses! You cannot have a day centered around the non-existent emotion of true love. The whole thing should be re-named "Hallmark Scam Day" and save poor St. Valentine the shame of being associated with nude cherubs and pitiful relationships that are destined to fail.

I just bought the uncut version of the Gundam Wing movie, Endless Waltz. today. It was really satisfying to hear the dialogue unedited and free of American meddling. I don't just like unedited simply because it includes violence and swearing (although these two things are usually a big part of any anime)but rather because it's what the original anime was intended to be. In the dubbed/cut versions, the characters aren't even allowed to say the word "kill". Instead, they have to say "destroy", "eleminate" or even "get". Sure they all mean the same thing, but which is more dramatic: Heero Yuy whispering in quiet realization "I'll never kill anyone again. I- I don't have to anymore." OR "I'll never destroy anyone again. I- I don't have to destroy anymore." If America is so open to other cultures, why is it that we modify them and mold them into what we deem as "appropriate"? There are far worse things kids can be watching on TV than an anime character saying "I'll kill you." And what's even more pathetic is that they can't show blood in dubbed/cut anime either! As if animated blood is any worse than blood on live-action shows. If America insists on sheiling an already exposed public from what they fear is "too forward" then, FOR GOD'S SAKE, give us our own anime channel!

I am so very upset! This whole Harry Potter mania is getting way out of hand! I was a diehard Potterholic when the books first came out, and were barely even well known. Since that time, more and more people have started reading them. Now, that's fine with me, it's nice to be able to talk to someone about one of the world's greatest fantasy series. But what really irks me to no end is all the comercialism that is popping up everywhere. Harry Potter has become an equivilant to Pokèmon, for god's sake! People no longer seem to appreciate the quality of the books, but rather the whole concept of it. Five year olds are reading the books and coming up with nothing more than, "I love Harry. He has a wand." And now, things are even more worse with the upcoming release of the Harry Potter movie. It's nothing but cooperate comercialism and hype. Not only does the movie spawn a new generation of shallow fans, over rated merchandise, and the destruction of a book's good image, but it also draws lawsuits like a magnet. Time Warner has been suing to it's heart's content all on acount of the atrocity known as the Harry Potter Movie. They're basically stating that anyone even mentioning the words 'Harry Potter' without their written consent and express permission will be hauled off to court. And to think, all this chaos spiraled up from the series of books I lovingly cherish and twisted into public insanity.

Okay, this isn't much of a rant as it is just pure bitching. Teachers are the enemy. I swear to God they must hold a conference in their free time to devise ways to make our lives miserable. I know some people say this as a joke but I'm serious. It's the end of the year and yet they still insist on giving us more homework and long term projects than we've had throughout the year. But it's not just my school. According to my out-of-state friends their teachers are being equally diabolical. Do they think that just because it's close to summer they need to remind us that we're still in school to keep us focussed? Honestly, I would gladly pay attention in class if I wasn't so worried about how I was going to find time to do 10 projects simultaneously due on the SAME DAY and still have a life. Damn all educators.

I've put up with a lot of things in my life. I've had to deal with teasing, death, depression, pain and sadness and I've came out through it all. If there's one kind of person that I can't stand is a poser. Someone who pretends to have problems when in fact their life is full of roses. I know that everyone's life is different and that we all have our own individual struggles but why do people insist on thinking that pretending to be hurt makes you anymore of a person? Believe me, being truely depressed isn't something I'd wish on anyone, and whoever tries to find pity from me for problems they don't have, I'll give them some real troubles to think about. A message to all posers out there: if you want so badly for something to be wrong with you, you don't have far too go cause you're entire life is nothing but a fake. There's something for you to think about.
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