* Relena *

  • Name: Relena Peacecraft/Darlian

  • Occupation: Princess of the Cinq Kingdom, Vice Foreign Minister, Queen of the World

  • Age: 15

  • History: Relena grew up living an normal life. She was raised by the Darlians, who weren't in fact her real parents. Unknown to Relena at the time, she was really a Princess of the fallen Cinq Kingdom, a nation that promoted total pascifism. Due to this, and her ties to Zechs Merquise (her brother) and Heero Yuy (a Gundam pilot) she arose as a great political power in a war-torn era, promoting peace.

  • Ups: Strength, ideals, beliefs, hopes and dreams are all what make Relena such a powerful and influencial character.

  • Downs: Um..she's kinda spoiled in the begining of the series, but she matures later on.

  • Why I like this character: Relena is practically my anime role model. She's smart, kind, pretty, and Queen of the World. Talk about the ideal life. Relena accomplishes so much for someone so young, and never backs down from her beliefs. Because of her, the entire world and space colonies are brought to peace (with a *little* help from her friends, the Gundam pilots...^_^) Plus, Relena gets Heero!!


    Info on the Anime

  • Anime Name: Gundam Wing

  • Type: TV Series/Movie

  • Available: Cartoon Network AND Video Cassette/DVD

  • Rated: (Dubbed) Y7
    (Uncut) PG-13 for violence and language

  • Opinion: * * * * *(Out of 5)
    Related Websites

    Relena no Miko

    Gentle Authority

    Save Relena Peacecraft