* Sakura *

  • Name: Sakura Kinomoto

  • Name (Dubbed): Sakura Avalon

  • Occupation: Card Captor, Cheerleader

  • Age: 10

  • History: Sakura was looking through her dad's library one evening when she opened up a strange book called The Clow. The 52 cards inside the book flew out and spread themselves everywhere. Following the cards, a cute little stuffed animal like creature rose out of the book and told Sakura she must become a Card Captor and use magic to return the cards to the book.

  • Ups: Always friendly and kind to everyone, plus she's so kawaii! ^_^

  • Downs: She's a cheerleader *gag* but at least she's not a ditz.

  • Why I like this character: I admire Sakura because she is so open with her feelings. She doesn't try to hide anything and therefore people become friends with her easily. She's open and outgoing, and manages to keep a hold on normal life even if she does have magic powers.


    Info on the Anime

  • Anime Name: Card Captors (Card Captor Sakura undubbed)

  • Type: TV Series/Movie

  • Available: Kids WB & VHS/DVD

  • Rated: (Dubbed) Y7
    (Uncut) PG

  • Opinion: * * * (Out of 5)
    Related Websites

    Cutie Cutie Sakura

    Little Cherry Blossom

    Sakura's Reflection