* Sasami *

  • Name: Sasami

  • Occupation: Princess of Jurai!

  • Age: 8 (+700 years in suspended animation)

  • Facts: She is Ayeka's little sister, though I'd say their actually more of opposites. Sasami is the very definition of kawaii from her big pink chibi eyes to her cute childish voice. She loves to cook and play with Ryo-oh-ki. Sasami is actually assimilated with Tsunami, and will grow up to look like her.

  • Special Markings: The gem-things on her forehead are the "Emblem of Power"

  • Ups: Did I mention kawaii? OOH And in the Tenchi Alternate Universe Special, I love the spoof on Sailor Moon with "Pretty Sammy"

  • Downs: Her constant good nature pisses me off at times, doesn't she ever get mad?!

  • Why I like this character: Do I have to spell it out?


    Info on the Anime

  • Anime Name: Tenchi Muyo!, Tenchi Universe, and Tenchi in Tokyo

  • Type: TV Series

  • Available: Cartoon Network & Video/DVD

  • Rated: (Dubbed) Y7
    (Subbed) PG-13 for violence, language and nudity

  • Opinion: * * * (Out of 5)
    Related Websites


    Sasami Appreciation Society

    Talent For Cuteness