
  • Write a book
  • Learn to speak Japanese
  • Attend an Offspring concert
  • Be in a moshpit
  • Take a road trip
  • Graduate Highschool
  • Get married
  • Have kids
  • Visit the mall and throw ham at people
  • Go to Japan
  • Fall in love
  • Hit someone really hard with a baseball bat
  • Grow my hair long
  • Go sky diving

  • Cause a three car pile up
  • Deface public property
  • Charge at a moving semi-truck
  • Graduate 8th grade
  • Go to an N*Sync Concert
  • Create a halfway decent webpage
  • Watch a subtitled movie
  • Get an MP3 player
  • Get slapped as a "wake up call"
  • Organize my room
  • Run down the halls of my school skipping and slamming into lockers
  • Get a laptop

    More to come when I think of them!