Upon Graduating Eighth Grade->
I can't believe that this moment is finally here. In all honesty, I placed going to highschool as an event in the distant future. It just never seemed like it would happen and yet here I am, going into the summer as an upcoming freshmen. Amidst the chaos, I have come to realize a lot of things. Life hasn't always been good to me. I've come through a lot of struggles, some of them which almost tore me apart, and learned a lot. Every year taught me something new. I just wanted to take the time to tell all of my friends just how much they mean to me cause I never would have made it this far with out you. South is such a big highschool and my greatest fear is that next year I won't get a chance to see all of you as often as I did the past two years for Middle School, so I want to tell you this before its too late.

Molly B ~ You have been such a great friend, ever since 7th. You've put up with my mean spirited jokes and angry rantings and I know that I can talk with you about anything. Underneath all the jokes and anime obsession, you are one of my best friends and I wanted to thank you.

Amy B ~ Ever since 7th (despite my anti-social nature) you have been a great friend. You were one of the few people I talked to last year and one of my good friends this year. Thanks for always being there for me.

Laurie C ~ I know I only met you this year, but you are such a good friend to me already. Who else is their in LA to draw comics w/? I hope that in highschool we can become even better friends!

Whitnee C ~ Hey there Scary Lou! You and Natalie helped make LA bearable and lunch fun. I hope I see you over the summer.

Caitlin E ~ I know you didn't like me at first but now (I think..) you do. Even though I only met you this year too I consider you one of my best friends. You always relate to what I'm talking about and are one of the funniest people I know. Thanks.

Theresa K ~ Throughout the year we have come up with more inside jokes than I can count. I know that I can go to you if I have a problem and vice versa. If we stick together we can take on the ditzes in HS. Thanks for being one of my best friends.

Sydney K ~ I'm glad you moved here cause we got to be pretty good friends. You are my Daria counterpart! Thanks for toughing out prep-torture w/ me.

Courtney M ~ In Gym I'm often pissed off about something (mainly at Mr. Festle) and your SNL worthy dance routines always make me smile. Thanks!

Kristin N ~ It sucks so much that just when I meet you, you have to move away. Promise to keep in touch because even though I haven't known you long, you've been such a great friend.

Melissa S ~ Thanks for being my friend in 7th and 8th. It really means a lot to me.

Lisa T ~ We have so much in common, its freaky. I know I can talk with you about anything cause you've been through a lot of the same things I have. Thanks for talking with me and I hope to keep in touch w/ you in HS.

Patti R ~ I hope that we get to be even better friends over the summer, but reguardless, I already consider you to be one of my best friends. Your friendship is valued, and so is your confused insight on the world.

Lara W ~ We have so much in common already, I know that us NSync-shippers will stick together and become closer friends thru HS, but know that you're one of my best friends even now. Thank you.

If you weren't mentioned, know that I still appreciate you. But to all my friends, new and old, ones I've known for awhile and ones I just new this year, it feels like we've been friend FOREVER, you know? And I wish to keep it that way. I've said it way too much, but I need to say it again, THANK YOU (I mean it.)