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Its Blueberry Time in Michigan!!

This is the high point of the season for me.
My daughter, Tina (the one behind the camera) and I,
along with three of the greatest kids in the world,
Summer, Joshua and Logan, go blueberry pickin'.
The kids would really rather not but
for some reason, which I still haven't figured out, I feel we
are the closest in the berry patch.
They think I'm nuts...and...well, who knows.......

This golden boy is Joshua.
He is the oldest of Tina's boys.
By 3 minutes.
This is our precious Summer, she is
also our tech support for our computers.
Could not have done it with out her.
God is so good!
Here is our "Sweet Loggie",
the youngest of the twins.
And here we have Grannie, yup,
its me. The hat is to keep the sun
off my face and the netting
on the hat is just in case
the skeeters are out.
I don't like skeeters!

In the middle of winter, when the wind is blowing and the snow has covered all the roads and you really don't have anywhere to go even if you could, there is nothing like hot blueberry bread. Just ask the kids. In case you have a day when blueberry bread would hit the spot, here is my recipe:

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Blueberry Bread
2 cups self-rising flour
1 egg
1 cup sugar
1 stick butter
1 cup milk
2 cups berries

Cream eggs, butter, and sugar together. Add flour, milk and vanilla. Sprinkle flour on berries to prevent them from going to the bottom. Add berries to mixture. Put in baking pan and bake in oven at 350degrees. Approx. 40 minutes or until done.