Res. Evil 3 Cheats

Get Mercanary Mode All you have to do is beat the game once and you'll get mercenary mode. This Cheat/Hint submitted by mercinary on Saturday, November 13, 1999 at 16:03:05 Inf Ammo All Weapons There are two ways to get it as far as I know. 1. beat the game on hard to get the mercenary game, then complete that enough times to make enough money (your a mercenary, think about it) to buy it 2. I'm not sure you have to, but I beat the game once through before I did this, when you are at the clock tower, just after Jill is revived from the virus, figth Nemisis and kill him. He should drop an item. It should be an Inf Ammo Case. Finish the game and load the save. You should have infinite ammo. I haven't seen if it worked yet, but try it. This Cheat/Hint submitted by Luke ( on Saturday, November 13, 1999 at 22:38:35 Get Jill's Bonus Diary In order to get Jill's diary, you must collect all the files in the game in order to get it, by doing this you must beat the game on semi-hard. This Cheat/Hint submitted by Jose ( on Monday, November 22, 1999 at 08:39: Missing Characters After you beat the game the first time play it 8 more times and each time you will discover what happened to Leon, Claire, Ada, Sherry, Hunk and everyone else in RE2. This Cheat/Hint submitted by Jose ( on Monday, November 22, 1999 at 08:39: Special Ranks There are two type of ranks 1 you know as the "A" rank and the other known as the "S" here are ways to get the "S" and "A" ranks. How to get the "S" rank 1- Don't use any Aid sprays 2- Use only herbs 3- Finish the game before 2 hours 4- Save only 3 times How to get the "A" rank 1- Don't use any Aid sprays 2- Use only Herbs 3- Finish the game before 2 and half hours 4- Save only 6 times This Cheat/Hint submitted by Jose ( on Monday, November 22, 1999 at 08:39: Computer Password When the captain of the Umbrella rescue team shoots one of his team members go over to the computer on the desk. It will ask for a password. ADRAVIL (also try SAFSPRIN OR AQUACURE ) is the password. This will open up the door. NOTE: The password is not always ADRAVIL it changes between three differnt passwords to find the password you use the t.v remote and what ever the comercial is (it might be ADRAVIL)use the name of the product on the computer This Cheat/Hint submitted by Joe ( on Wednesday, November 17, 1999 at 13:30:32 Get Jill's Bonus Diary To get Jill's diary, you must collect all the files in order, semi-hard, but its worth it! This Cheat/Hint submitted by Joe ( on Wednesday, November 17, 1999 at 13:32:25 Explosive stuff During the game you will see sticks of dynomite strapped to the walls, or oil drums lying around. Usually there are a lot of monsters by them. When you see them, press L2 and X and it will aim to the objects and blow it and all of the monsters around it into bits. Just don't get too close to the explosive, or you will blow up. This Cheat/Hint submitted by ADam H. ( on Monday, November 15, 1999 at 10:57:33 Boutique Key Beat the game once on either difficulty and after the credits, you will get a key for the boutique in the first street in the beginning of the game. When you go inside you can change your clothes to Regina's from Dino Crisis, or Jill's blue clothes from the first game. This Cheat/Hint submitted by Adam H. ( on Monday, November 15, 1999 at 10:36:33 Saving Ammo In the begining Brad will get attack by a zombie in the BAR. He will throw him and the zombie will come back at him. Jill will run over, You will take control.DON"T help brad kill the zombie. You will save 5 to 7 shots if you don't shoot. That is where you save ammo. This Cheat/Hint submitted by Sean Dillon ( on Sunday, November 14, 1999 at 19:19:53 Police Locker Combination In the police station after killing the zombies you will be prompted for a locker combination. The combination is 0131. Also reported as 4312 or 0153 Secret Costumes Jill has a total of 5 costumes, 2 you can get on easy, and you can get all 5 on hard mode. If you beat the game on easy, you get 2 bonus costumes for any rank, except F. After you beat the game, wait till the credits go by, you'll get a key to use at the boutique, that was locked earlier. In the botique you get her original S.T.A.R.S. costume, and the Regina costume from dino crisis, complete with a wig. On hard mode, you can get those, plus a miniskirt police type outfit, disco type outfit, and biker type outfit. To get all five you must beat the game with a rating of A, to get 4 you must beat it with a B rating and so on, C=3, D=2, E=1, F=0. This Cheat/Hint submitted by Joe ( on Wednesday, November 17, 1999 at 13:35:14 What Happened to Leon,Claire,etc. After you beat the game proceed to do it 8 more times and you will discover the outcome of Leon,Claire,Ada,Sherry,Hunk and everyone else in RE2 This Cheat/Hint submitted by Joe ( on Wednesday, November 17, 1999 at 13:38:12 ----------------------ALL BELOW SUBMITTED by ----------------- Mercenary mode Successfully complete the game once on any either difficulty setting and wait for the credits to end, then save the "Next Game" file to unlock "The Mercenaries" mini-game. Start a new game, choose that saved game, then select "The Mercenaries" mode. This mode involves controlling Carlos, Mikhal, or Nikoli from the train to the starting room with a two minute timer. Killing the various opponents and rescuing civilians during the journey will add extra money and more time to the clock. A rank and money will be awarded after the game is completed. The money can be used to purchase better weapons and infinite ammunition. Boutique key Successfully complete the game once and wait for the credits to end, then save the "Next Game" file to receive the key to the Boutique on the first street at the start of the game. Use the key to enter and change into an alternate costume. Alternate costumes Successfully complete the game on the easy difficulty setting with any rank better than an F to unlock Jill's costume from the original Resident Evil and Regina's costume from Dino Crisis. Successfully complete the game on the hard difficulty setting with a rank of D to unlock two costumes, C for three, B for four, and A for all five costumes. The three additional costumes are a police miniskirt, disco, and biker outfits. Epilogues Successfully complete the game on the hard difficulty setting to unlock an Epilogue. Epilogues are a short diary description of each character in the entire Resident Evil series which describes what happened with that specific person after their adventure. Successfully complete the game on the hard difficulty setting eight times to unlock all Epilogues. All eight Epilogues read as followed: Jill Valentine After escaping the city, Jill set out to join Chris Redfield. However, all she found was an empty hideout of Chris's. On the floor was Chris's knife. Jill left without hesitation because she firmly believes that Chris is still alive. She will search for him until she finds him. Then they can go and put an end to Umbrella... Chris Redfield "Please forgive me Claire." Chris Redfield has just finished this letter with his signature phrase. As he removes his sunglasses, a lady walks by him with light steps. "She looks about the same age as Claire," he thinks. A short time later, Chris discovered that his sister was looking for him, but was caught... Barry Burton Barry Burton looks at his young daughters and says, "I'm sorry but my comrades are waiting for me." He knows that he must repay his teammates for forgiving his betrayal. Even if that means leaving his family for now. His wife tries to hide her fear, so she smiles and says, "Don't worry. We'll be OK..." Leon Kennedy Leon Scott Kennedy is confronted by a man who claims to be a U.S. government agent. Leon says, "Leave Sherry alone. She is innocent." "She knows too much," the man replies. He looks at Leon and says, "But you have value. This is a good deal. Make your choice." Without regret or hesitation, Leon closes his eyes and then sharply responds... Claire Redfield "Leave us alone." Claire Redfield couldn't believe Leon's words. Leon continued, "You're looking for your brother, right? Just go!" Claire knew that Leon and Sherry needed immediate medical attention, but she could not waste anymore time. "I... I'll be back. I promise!" She said as she disappeared into the wilderness alone... Sherry Birkin "Do you have any relatives?" When the army officer asked her, Sherry Birkin did not respond for she has no immediate relatives. Her father and mother died because of the G-virus. And so, this little girl holds herself with her arms and bites her lip tight. She thinks, "I'm sure she will come back. She won't forget about me..." Ada Wong A woman looks at herself in the mirror. She used to be called Ada Wong... But this morning she will say good-bye to the name. "I'm not Ada Wong anymore..." She feels her ab and thinks, "This is Ada's scar, not mine." And as she says good-bye to Ada Wong, she can't stop her tears. However, there isn't much time left before her next mission... Hunk, the 4th Survivor "Once again, only you survived, Mr. Death," the chopper pilot speaks with a cold bitterness. "Always, only you, survive, Mr. Death," the pilot continues. But Hunk does not respond to the pilot. He doesn't care. "The Death cannot die...," the survivor thinks to himself with a warm smile... Jill's Diary Collect all thirty notes and books in the game to replace the first book in your file with Jill's Diary. Jill's Diary reads as followed: August 7th Two weeks have passed since that day. My wounds have been healed, but I just can't forget it. For most people, it's history now. But for me, whenever I close my eyes, it all comes back clearly. Zombies eating people's flesh and the screams of my teammates dying. No, the wounds in my heart are not healed yet... August 13th