Welcome to Aliyahs page
Well here she is. Aliyah Inez Wilson. She was born on 26 Sept. 2000 at 09:53am. As you can tell from the picture (sorta), she weighs 6 pounds 11.7 ounces.
I will fix up this page little by little. By the time I update this website everyone will be years older and I will have to start over.
Here she is Aliyah...

Here she is 19 inches long.
Here are some picturest of Melissa and Aliyah.

Tears of joy are flowing after mom meets daughter.

Here she is again showing Aliyah off.
This little girl can eat. She looks just like Alex and like him she has my appetite and my dimples.

Big brother holding little sister.

Daddy holding little baby doll.

Daddy showing off little girl.
Well I thats the end of all my pictures Ill add more later.