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The La Dow Photo Album

This is my husband, Richard,
whom I love with all my heart,
despite the fact that he has been,
on occasion,a bit of a rebel.

We have been married for 33 years now.

Here is a picture of him
with his two children
Richard and Bridget

and now, his family…(well, ok, some of…)
His Family

This is a picture of Mark LaDow, he is the oldest member of the family that I have a picture of. He died in 1924 at 91 years old. He is my husband's great-great grandfather. This is a section of a picture taken I figure about 1920 (+/-). Mark had two sons, Francis (Frank) and Vernon. This is where the two branches come together-or-split apart, depends on how you look at it.

Believe it or not I can't get ahold of any pictures of Frank or his wife, Viola (Foster)and their family that I can scan, but I do have a lot of Vernon's branch and I thank a truly long lost cousin, Jean, who was kind enough to send me copies. Here is a photo of Vernon (Jean's grandfather) with his second wife, Clarice (Stoddard) and his only son, Roy (Jean's father).

Below are some of the other pictures that Jean was kind enough to send me.

A closer picture of

Vernon and his third
wife, Ola Belle (Nickels)

Vernon in his store
with his son, Roy
and grandson, Jack
(Jeans brother)

Here is Fred Earl,
the son of Francis
(Frank) with his daughter Maxine.
Fred Earl was Richard's grandfather.

These are Richard's parents,
the late Fred Daniel and Vivian.

The "Brothers Ladow".

Heres an oldie, this is
Richard, Robert, William and Michael,
taken after Nov. 26, 1949.

Here we have a photo of his sister,
with his parents on a beach in Florida.

And here are Susan's children,
Andrea and Mark.

Andrea in Kindergarten

Mark in Kindergarten

This is a picure of
Richard's youngest brother, Mike.

And here we have one of the "kids",
who now has kids of his own,
Mike's son, Mike Jr.

Here are pictures of both of Mike's children,
Michelle and Michael Jr.


Delores, their mom.
1948 - 1986

Michael, Jr.

This is mom and dad of the next set of children, Darlene and Dan.
Darlene is the youngest in the LaDow family.

And their family.

wife & daughter




To see Kevin's family, click here!

Some of the graphics here were supplies by: