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Valeri's Not Quite Daily Journal


Monday - My birthday, I am 29 :)

Have to go to English class today and work till 5. If you care, I am a Cancer/Leo cusp, strange mix of frugal domesticity and extravagant adventurousness ;) Going out with Wendi tonite, probably to Benjamin's, Dean took the day off for me too, I wish I didn't have to work, hope he goes out with us too... more later...

My Everclear review from July 16, 2001 - State Theatre Portland

Went to see Everclear in Portland last nite :D:D:D:D Got into the 21 and over balcony, had a drink. The show started at 7:30 pm, but we had to sit thru 3 opening bands that I just did not like. They came on late, 10:20-10:30 pm. Also the acoustics were way off and it all sounded distorted. Here is their setlist from last nite: So Much For The Afterglow, Heroin Girl, Amphetamine, Everything to Everyone, ' Slide, When It All Goes Wrong Again, Strawberry, Songs from An American Movie Parts I and II, AM Radio (I JUMPED with the crowd on this one :) Wonderful, Father of Mine, I Will Buy You A New Life, Santa Monica, You Make Me Feel Like A Whore and finally Rock Star. For part of the show, we were on the floor, far Stage Left, but close to the stage, and it was hot there, so we walked up to the back of the room, and then Art starts pulling people on stage to dance, and a little boy that was standing RIGHT NEXT to me when I was down in front earlier got to go up, I can't torture myself with What If I had been picked. But we went back to Stage Left again for the rest of the show. Rock Star was awesome live, as was So Much Everything, AM Radio, I Will Buy You A New Life and You Make Me Feel :) I was wearing a silky shiny black t-shirt and I had stuck the silver Rock Star sticker on the chest, looked neat. We agreed that Art had picked all teenyboppers anyway ;)

When I was in the Ladies Room one time, an older lady, 50s or so, came in and had a backstage pass on her shirt and said that Everclear and Flipp had partied at her bar the night before (A place called Matthew's) and though she had only heard them on the radio a few times, she got a backstage pass.... sigh..and a really strange thing I saw was a younger woman reach out and pinch the breast of the woman with the pass, seemed weird, in a you-go-girl type of response when she heard she had a pass. I gave the woman with the pass one of the little cards I made with my name and email address and webpage and asked if she would give them the card and she took it. (after the show I stuck the rest of the cards on the windows of most of the busses, hope something happens

Another strange thing was Wendi noticed Art was wearing orthopedic shoes, they looked like black sneakers to me, but Wendi can spot these things ;) weird to think of Art, the man I have a mad crush on, having to wear orthopedic shoes, but I bet with all the jumping up and down he does, he needs them...still.... :) I had a good time, I feel kinda old though, we were back at Wendi's and passed out by midnight. I got some pictures have no idea if they came out, hope so, if so , will post them here :) The picture of Art is one I found online, it shows sort of how he looked last nite, black t-shirt...

that's it, I might remember more later, stay tuned as always,

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