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Rockman X City]
Welcome to the new and improved Rockman X City, Shadow Ninja here. I have worked hard on this layout and would like for you to post feedback in the guest books. I have been around for a while but no one knew about me, anyway enough about that, have fun at the new and better Rockman X City!

Updates for 8/25/2002
Hello everyone! I have returned, huzzah! My trip was fun, but I'm glad to be home. The server move is still looking dim unfortunatly, and I may just try to find somewhere else to go. Anyways, I've come to rally support for our oh-so-lovable blue bomber, in a voting contest being held. Right now, he's up against FF7's Sephiroth (sp?!), and it's close. So head over to and show your support! Let them know the Mega Man Community can kick some arse! Or something!

Updates for 7/24/2002
Nothing new. Still waiting. I leave for Scotland on the 29th, and won't be home for about a month. Joy.

Updates for 7/8/2002
Well the great affiliate search has ended. I actually ended up adding 2 new affiliates due to the Closing of Mega Man Blue. That was a great site, it's a big loss to the community. Oh well, what's done is done. So I should be moving anytime now. Even though I always say that. But I'm serious this time! I swear! At least I hope I'm right. That's going to do it for now, see YA!

Updates for 6/28/2002
Well as I got into gear and began getting my files ready to move, I noticed that one of my affiliates no longer exists! SO! I am looking for ONE new affiliate. Email me if your interested. Put Affiliate in the subject just so I don't think it's pr0n or a virus. If you've already sent me one and I didn't respond, well send it again. Unless you don't want to affiliate. Then sucks to your ass-mar. AND, Angelfire has just told me if I dont lose 25 mb of my stuff in 30 days my site is gone. Geez. So Basicaly everything is gone. Except this page and the enter page. I hope I move soon, or RXC is gone.

Updates for 6/23/2002
Figured I should toss something up here, it's been a while. School's over, and you know what that means, SUMMER SCHOOL! But it's an easy class, so no big deal. Still have no idea when I'm going to move, mostly cause I've been to busy (read:lazy). So yeah. I'll try to do something interesting soon. Hopefully. see YA!


Sprites Inc.
Sprite Resource Center

Join the Rockman Universe Forums!
I'm to lazy to make a forum, but there's an RXC section there!
Plus other swag stuff! Go Now!

Trance Forums
Another cool place to hang! Go there too!


UMMXZW [] Mega Man Masters [] Rockman Universe [] Ultimate Zero

Mega Man's Domain [] Zero Forever [] The Mega Man X and Zero Homepage [] Brave Robot


Since June 6, 2000



Mega Man, Protoman, X, Zero, and all other related images are property of Capcom.

Any manga scans are property of Bom Bom Comics, who (I can only assume) created and published them.
All toys pictured were made by Bandai. All other items are property oftheir proper owner. I make no
money off this site that would mess with Capcom's profits. This is just a fan based. Don't sue me. Please.