January 13, 2002
Well, most of you who don't live in Maine wouldn't have heard this, but there was a terrible car accident off a bridge here in Portland. Two cars, one with 4 teenagers, the other with 2 or 3 were racing down the bridge. The car with 4 teenagers lost control, hit a guardrail, flipped over and landed 40 ft to the jogging path below, landing on its roof. The driver, Michael O'Brien survived, but the other three didn't. His passengers included Nate MacConnell,19 and graduating from Deering High School this year, Jason Carr, 18 and also graduating from Deering High School, and finally Crystal Young who was 18, and a member of my senior class at Portland High School. Now, I never knew Jason Carr, but I knew the other 2. Not very well, but well enough to pay respects. Nate and I went to middle school together. We never talked, but I knew his sister and saw him through the halls a lot. Crystal and I met back in 6th grade, we shared few conversations, but she was always a nice person. I never saw Crystal without a smile on her face. She was a captain of the varsity cheering team, and an amazing student with a lot to offer. As I walked through the halls of school after the accident, the pain was evident. Tears were being shed, and people were hugging each other, and just being there when needed. It's sad to see that something like this had to happen in order for many of our student body to realize we are not invincible, and may at anytime be the one to make the wrong choice and be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The police say alcohol played a part in what caused the accident, so I have heard a few say it is 'their own fault' which may be partially true, but it's just awful to hear about it. But, it was later proven that Crystal had not even been drinking that night. Both Portland High School, and Deering High School, who once focused on 'which school was better' (as a joke) are now coming together, and putting the past behind. Portland High School students and staff realize Deering has lost 2 members of their senior class, and Portland has lost one - even other schools across the state have been showing their support by sending flowers, or cards to each school. There's not much one can say when something so terrible has happened, but all I know is each of them deserved some sort of tribute on my website. As of right now, I have only pics of Crystal on here, in a few she's with Nate (he's got his arms wrapped around her in one) It is more difficult to get one of Jason since we didn't go to the same school, but I will try. I don't know how many people will read this, or if it will have any impact whatsoever, but please - drink responsibly and don't get behind the wheel if you know you have been drinking. It took some wrong decisions to lose three innocent people, and now the driver, who miraculously survived may be facing criminal charges. I'm sorry to say this is what caused me to open my eyes, but now i'm well aware of what the consequences may be. Don't wait until it hits home 4 you, act now and maybe lives will be saved.
Crystal Young,
Nate MacConnell,
Jason Carr,
You're all going to be missed by your friends, family, and everyone who you were able to bring your company to. RIP

Crystal's Kiss
