Here are pix of some of the best ppl in the world!

This is my friend Andy. He is 20 years old. This pic is a little bigger than the others on here but thats okay.
This is just another pic of Andy with his girlfriend Payal, aren't they cute together? Although they don't look ready for this pic.. hehe
This is my friend Craig. . he's soooooooooooooooooo nice and cool and alla that stuff but I haven't seen him for a looooong time!
This is my friend Deanna. I have known her since 7th grade, lately though she has been stuck to this guy she likes so I haven't seen much of her lately.
This is my bestest friend Jannell. I have known her since 3rd grade. About 4 years ago she moved to another city but we still write to each other.
Friends Page 2