More Cool People!Friends

This is my friend Eric. He is 20 years old. Doesn't he look good in this pic? He doesn't like it but i do :) N Eric, U better stop tellin me to take it off! Not happening!! If you want to check out his site, click here!

Enjoy :)
This is a whole bunch of ppl I went to Middle School w/ The only people Im going to talk about are Deanna, Tony, and Chris. Deanna is also on the fem friends page, she's pretty kewl. Tony is this guy I used to have a huge crush on back then but thats until i saw chris, just look at that adorable face! I fell in insta=luv with him! yeah im queer, but honest to God he stepped in my class and I stopped breathing, just didn't realize it till my friend was waving her hand in front of my eyes.. lol.. he's a sweetie to. well he was when i used to talk to him he moved away when it seemed like we were going to go out, I miss him lotz and lotz! One of the nicest guys I ever met in Maine!
This is muh Mike. Isn't he sooooooooooooooooooooooo cute? He's sweet too - i wuv him :D
This is Steve! Him and I are not talkin ne more which isn't cool at all cuz I miss him BUT i'll deal, he still deserves a spot on my site jus cuz he looks 2 damn good to take off! lol - i actually saw him today (11-27-01) and he's still makin sure to steer clear of me! :-( If he should read this I hope everythings all good 4 ya!
This is Tyrone, isn't he sooooooooo cute :) lol.. he's really kewl and I bet he's getting sick of me saying how good he looks but oh well. If you want to check out his site click here! (hope i got the link rite!)Enjoy!
I am in the process of adding more pics & brushing up on these two pages!