(if u wanna c more pix like this, i added a link called "Cute Images" check 'em out!)
Hey, time for another message change :) As always, thanks much for checking out the site. I know this site is not all that great, but I have worked on it for about 2 or 3 years and when ideas come to mind i add them to my site - so if you come back a few times and see that nothing has been changed i prolly just ain't creative enuff! hehe. I am always looking for people's suggestions to liven this page up so PLEASE, IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS LET ME KNOW! I appreciate your browsing and I hope you enjoy the work I've put into this - - web pages are a lot harder than they seem! I'd also appreciate if you sign my guestbook but without checking it as a private entry cuz i can't figure out how to view those msgs ne more - guestworld changed so much on me!

Much Love


Tribute to Tupac

Tribute to Aaliyah

Lives Taken So Soon - Crystal, Nate, Jason RIP

More Pics! (Friends.. and others.. )

ShOuToUtZ 2 ThOsE sPeCiAl PeOpLe!

PiX oF tHoSe SpEcIaL pEePz!

aLL aBoUt Me

Poetry by myself and others.

Pix Of Me- Younger Years


Pix of some of the Hotter Guyz--Celebs! There is only 3 links now, but more to follow!

Cute Images These are like the pic at the top of this page, really cute :)

ViEw SkEwBz GuEsTbOoK
SiGn SkEwBz GuEsTbOoK
YoU aRe ViSiToR nUmBeR tO cHeCk OuT mY sItE
Last Updated: August 31, 2002