Poems By Myself

More poems will be added when my lazy ass gets muh notebook out! None of these poems have any meaning to me now, cuz I wrote them for Bruce- so don't read them and be like omg are you alright and blah blah cuz its been over a year and i've moved on to someone better - huh Matt? hehehe ;) Ne how, enjoy!
My Love Never Ends...
All I've ever wanted to find is true happiness and love,
When I found him I thought my search was finally done.
He was almost like an angel from above,
But, everything went downhill when he thought there was another one.
He stopped talking to me,
For a whole two weeks, I didn't know what was going on, I thought we were through.
At the time, I didn't dare to call so I couldn't hear the whole story.
It was hard, but eventually we were okay and the love felt pure and true.
Then, I realized he never called me anymore, and if he did he was late,
It was good that I could call him now, but why doesn't he call me? Are we no longer a pair?
NO! It can't be! He said he'd never leave or hurt me, he told me I was his soulmate!
So what does this mean?? Did his feelings change?? Is his love no longer there??
I thought about talking to him about it all,
But I was too shy, so I was unable to.
I held back for a while, but soon enough I knew I had to call,
Now from that conversation, all i remember are his words "we're through."
I won't forget that day,
I've never felt so much pain, the kind that seems to take forever to mend,
But, even though he hurt me in such a cruel way,
My love for him will never end.
What Would I do?...
What would I do,
If you were gone?
If I lost you,
How would I be able to carry on?
What would I do,
If I knew you weren't a call away?
If I knew it was true,
That I wouldn't be able to see you everyday?
When I think of life without you,
I know for a fact I couldn't live,
I mean, what would I do?
I'd have nothing more to give.
Bruce,no one could ever take your place,
No one could ever make me feel the way you do,
When I see your smiling face,
I know I want no one but you.
I can't see you for such a long time,
Its hard to get by day after day,
Without seeing the one I call mine,
Its so hard to live this way.
When I DO see you,
It will be the best day!
I'm hoping you feel it to,
I pray you feel the same way
You promised me before,
You wouldn't forget how much I love you,
Always and forevermore,
My love is here for you, and only you.
With You I Can't Go Wrong...
I want you to know how special you are to me,
I love you with all my heart,
I feel we were meant to be,
So I hope we never part.
You make me feel so great inside,
No one has ever had such an impact on me,
Before the feelings only died,
But this will last, I can already see.
I've said "I Love You" to other guys,
But it was never so strong,
It didn't feel true,but it wasn't exactly lies,
But you're so different,you're Bruce.
With you, I know I can't go wrong
If Only They Could Be Me....
Dedicated 2 Anyone Who Has Ever Insulted Me...
If only they could be me,
If only they knew,
If only they could see,
Just how much pain they put me through
Open up your eyes,
I'm a person! I have feelings to,
I don't think you'll ever realize
Everything you've made me go through
I wish for once you could be me,
To see how it feels,to be judged before known,
And also to see,
How it is to feel so alone.
But you couldn't begin to understand,
What life is like without having someone to turn to,
Without having a helping hand,
To guide you through.
As for me, do I even exist?
If so, why?
All I do is get dissed,
Until I feel I should die.
I don't understand why life is so cruel,
Why its so hard to get by,
If you aren't what "they" call "cool",
They feel they have the right to treat you
like shit until you feel you could cry.
But what exactly is "cool?"
Is it going out,
Fucking a new guy everynight?
To me,that just ain't right.
Is it doing drugs,
All day,everyday?
And then continue to the nightfall, without a doubt?
That ain't what I'm about.
If being what they call "cool" means I need to become a whore,
And do drugs,day after day
Then I couldn't really ask for more,
I guess I'm lucky to be headed this way
This poem was started to let you know what I go through everyday
But after all this time,
I finally realize,
They don't have the right to say what they say
There is NOTHING wrong with me,
The question is what is wrong with THEM?
Why can't they let me be,
Instead of adding yet another problem?
I like who I am,
You couldn't ever change that
No matter what you say
Cuz ya know what? I'm happy this way.
Pain After Love...
Will it ever be the same?
I think not
Without you,
I am slowly falling apart.
When you dumped me,
I don't think you realized what you had done
I loved you with all my heart
I truly felt that you were the one
Evidently, you didn't feel the same way
That hurts me deeply
But I must move on
and face every depressing day
Untitled.. (ne suggestions?)
I still love you
I hope you know,
It's almost like a force is pulling me towards you
And won't let go
I can't believe we are no longer together
I could have sworn we were meant to be
But now,I've made the wrong decision
And you have forgotten about me
I am so depressed
More than words could say
I just can't believe
It ended up this way
I don't know if I could get over it,
The fact that you're with someone new
All I can say right now,
Is that I will always love you
Just For Being You...
Dedicated To My Friends..
I wish I could tell you
How special you are to me
But no words could ever explain
Everything you have done for me
You were there when I felt down
Stood right by me,showing your love
Supported me with the choices I made
Gave me the love and care I need to carry on
In every way you touched my life
I could never begin to thank you enough
You are everything to me
And I want you to know I love you with all my heart
Just for being you