Pix Of Me- Younger Years
Special thanx 2 Arif 4 scannin' these 4 me!
This is a pic of me just standing there looking dumb, notice the cat in the pic near my feet? That's my old cat Tabby, she was realllllly mean but she was alive and livin with us for 17 years, she passed away 2 years ago, thats a long time!! lol..
This is a pic of me when I was like 11 years old. I was at Disney, so I decided to get a pic w/one of my favoritest disney characters, none other than Goofy! I have others of me with Donald, and Pluto, and Mickey, and Minnie, and the last time I was there believe it or not Scooby showed up so i just had to get a pic with him.. dunno where its at though!
This is another pic taken when I was in Florida, we was at some flea market thing and we bought some pix with me and these birds, and then my aunt and uncle with the birds, but then the guy running the thing allowed us to use our own camera for some pix so thats how this came out. One on my head, one on my shoulder.. one of the few pix you'd see me laughing so hard in. Yes I was a dork, but I wasn't dorky enough to think of the thumbs up idea, that was the guy running the whole thing who thought of it.
This is a pic of me at an amusement park here in maine called "Funtown" I don't remember getting this pic taken but oh well.. look at how skinny I used to be!! I wish things like that never changed!! lol
This is me, my aunt, and my cousin. I'm the baby obviously! And what an ugly one at that!lol
This is a pic of (left to right) my sister, my brother, and me. We all look dorky so.. yeah.. hehe
This is me holding a doll (obviously) actually one of the few pix you'd see me smiling in.. my hair looks kinda weird up but thats okay.
And finally, another pic of me with a doll, and another with me smiling, wow thats weird! Check out my stylish pj's and those painted nails! kick ass huh? (jk!!) ne ways.. if you've seen my up to date pix, don't I look EXACTLY the same? its quite sad actually!!