ShOuToUtZ. . .

Marty:I'm so happy we are together - I love you lotz!! :-d

Kris: Yeah you DO piss me off a lotta the times, but thats cuz all you do is talk about these guyz left and right, stop that and we'll be cool lol!

Carissa:Hey hun! Thanks for being an awesome roomate. Sorry bout all the nites I kept you up.. wish you weren't such a light sleeper! LOL

Eric: You're like the best person ever! I know I told you you bring me down sumtimes but I know its all outta your love for me! You've been there thru so much shit I've gone thru and even thoe we haven't met I feel as thoe we have. It's amazing how close we've become while the distance is still there. I hope to meet you someday! Maybe June 11? ? ? :-D

Han~Dawg: Wuddup homie G!? Grrl u be one of da best frenz i've eva met i dunno where i'd b if it wuzn't 4 alla da support u gave me n all da timez u was there if i needed someone 2 listen to muh bitchin n whining. ur a tru friend n 4 that i'll neva 4get chu!

Arif: I miss your English accent! hehe.. Our conversations have become almost non-existent due to what's going on in both of our lives and thats not how i want it! If you should read this give me an email or something, I miss you so so much!!

Nelly: One of my other best friends! The distance has kinda shifted us in different directions but look! I met you 9 years ago and here today we still talk like old times! It's cool! One day thoe i want just you and me to hang out, no bfs, no friends from school . . it could be fun!

Dave: We've had some pretty good times, I'm glad we're still talkin! I know it was like a year ago but thanks so much for spending time with me here! You were cool, sorry i was such a dork :-/ lol . . I hope everythings cool with ya and maybe we'll meet somewhere in the future, wouldn't that be fun! I'd look at you :-D lol

Tonya: Hey girl! Me and you just really started to talk this year and u're cool! hehe.. I can't believe we're goin to be graduatin this year! Time flies but it feels great bein the top of the school :-D You better keep in touch with me after graduation you're too cool to lose!

Moira: You're a trip and a half! Listenin to all your stories is about the weirdest thing but hey, you're cool so I ain't really gonna complain much. I'm glad we got talkin more this year and i hope after college we still talk!!!

Don: Hey Don! You like.. don't talk to me anymore but guess what? I still wuv you! I wish you would find more time to talk with me but hey, regardless I'm not gonna letcha go.. so expect to hear from me for a long ass time! :-D

Brock: Yeah so we've had a lot of tough times, I don't know what's been goin on for ya becuz I ain't talked to you forever but hey, hopefully you ain't hating me after ne thing that's happened. I want us to be as close as you were, I really don't know whats changed that but I hope we can get it back. Lotza luv hun

Jake: Okay, so I met you 4 days ago but I think you're awesome! hehe. I like talkin 2 ya and I hope that we can stay in touch 4 a while :) You're gonna go to that concert with me - - right!? hehe, it mite be fun who knows -ttyl

Adam: First let me start off w/I'M SORRY - - the whole situation was screwed up but its all your fault cuz u 'led me on' or something. . lol, its all good thoe im def over it so I hope we can still be friends even if you are leaving the state soon.

I betcha I forgot someone, but just let me know and i'll add ya.. cuz this is all i can think of right now.. lol
I luv alla u guyz!