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I go to concerts quite often, so I've decided I'm going to write about some of them here...


April 24, 2000
I first must say, this was definitely one of the best concerts I have ever been to! Goldfinger were absolutely amazing!

I didn't arrive until the first band were almost done their set, but by the sound of it, I didn't miss too much. I can't give an accurate review of their performance (fuck, I can't even tell you their name...) so i will move on to the next band. The were called U.S. CRUSH. I thought they were really, really good. Definitely the kind of band that you would expect to be on the same bill as Goldfinger. Their self-title debut came out on April 11...I haven't seen it in stores yet, but I'm planning to get my manager to carry it (at Sunrise). They have a website at it out.

The next band, Ignite, was also quite good (not as good as U.S. Crush, but still really good). They played more hardcore punk. You can find out more about them at

The best part of the show (of course) was the band everyone was there to see...GOLDFINGER! I have never seen a Goldfinger show before, and I can tell you honestly, it was one of the best shows I have ever attended. The entire band really seemed to appreciate the audience...Everyone in the band (except for Darrin the drummer) crowd surfed at one point during the show, and even Darrin came out dressed in a blond wig, and kilt, and did a Britney Spears cover (Hit me Baby One More Time?), followed by a cover of Limp Bizkit's Nookie. Darrin was also wearing a Toronto Maple Leafs jersey, who had just won their playoff game, before Goldfinger started their set. The band had a lot of energy for the whole show, they seemed genuinely happy to be playing. At the end of the set, after Goldfinger had left the stage, the crowd began chanting "Mable" worked. Goldfinger came back out for two more songs...when they played mable, they started bringing members of the audience up on the end of the show they must have had at least thirty extra people on stage. After Mable, Goldfinger once again left the stage...but after the crowd's persistant chanting, they came back out for another song.

Overall, it was an absolutely amazing show, and if you ever get the chance to see Goldfinger it! You won't regret it.


May 5, 2000

I was late once again, and unfortunately missed most of the first band. I don't even remember who they were, although what I did hear of their set didn't sound too bad. The second band on this bill was GRADE. They were really good, and the crowd really seemed to like them...even one of the security guards was singing along. After Grade came SAVES THE DAY. They were really good too! When they came out on stage, I didn't know what to expect. All of the band members looked about 17, which surprised me. I was even more surprised when the singer opened his mouth. I was expecting the voice of a twelve year old boy, but he actually had a pretty deep voice...and it sounded good. The crowd obviously agreed. They went crazy, and the same security guard was still singing along. At the end of Saves the Day's set, quite a few people left (to my surprise). A lot of the people were just there to see Save's the Day (and Grade). I, on the other hand, decided since I paid to see H2O (even if it was only $13.70), I should see H2O....and of course, I love H2O.

I did not regret my decision to stay. Their set was really good, and the band seems like really cool people. They opened with one of my favorite H2O songs, Faster than the World, and the show only got better. They tried to keep the audience involved with, getting us to clap our hands, wave our fists, and start a giant circle pit. They even got the crowd to say happy birthday to a kid who convinced his mom to take him to the show for his tenth birthday, and they mentioned more than once, that you should look out for everyone else in the crowd, and make sure no one gets hurt. I really liked that, especially since I'm usually one of the people who get hurt. THey came back on stage after their set for an encore, and played a cover of "Like a Prayer" by Madonna. Over all, it was a really good show. I have seen better, but it was definitely worth my $13.70 (canadian).