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Copy Rights and Thank Yous

Thank you so much Becca! You have helped me out so much, and this site couldn't be where it is today with out all your help! Thank you Devon! All your graphics you made me were wonderful, and I will soon be changing my header to yours! Also, by making the graphics you have made this page a better page as well! Thank you for also making the beautiful header graphic! Thank you Kristen for helping me with my page and making my first header graphic for me! Thank you very much Jill Marie for helping me put up my Tara Hood Watch Logos and helping my with the Header Graphic. It means so much to me because you helped me make my page a better detacation to Tara Lipinski! Thank you to Ashley for helping me also with the header graphic. It means so much to me, and it really does! ***If you do help me out with my page you get a special Thank You Award that I only give out to the Helping Hands***