Quotes From Our Favorite Actors

This page will be devoted to quotes from the actors themselves! Enjoy!

Stephen Baldwin
"Cody is a paradox of a whimsical clown and a shrewed young man. He is brave, light-hearted and often exaggerates wildly. Cody is a charmer and a con-man and rather unpredictable, but he is much too clever to be reckless."

Josh Brolin
"Jimmy is a wild spirit who craves the company of other riders, although he would never admit it. Living by his own rules, he doesn't take too kindly to anyone alse's--he will always be a gunfighter at heart."

Tavis Fine
"I had never ridden before, but after working with wranglers, it didn't take long for me to pick it up. I ended up with a horse named Bud, who had a longer list of television and movie credits than I do."

Ty Miller
"At first, we hadn't planned on how energy the two-hour round trip to and from the location each day would take out of us. And about horses, you can't plan for a hoof here or a nostril there. If a horse wants water, it's going to walk over to the water."

Gregg Rainwater
"Buck is faced with the inner conflict of wanting to fit in the white man's world and feeling compelled to maintain his Indian heritage. This, added to the fact that he is an orphan, causes him to be cautious in his relationships."

Yvonne Suhor
"Lou is a survivor and full of spunk. She is gutsy and will stand up to challenges that come her way. Once she puts her mind to something, nothing can stop her."

Don Franklin
I will try to find a quote from Don Franklin!

If you have anything to contribute, email me!