POP-OUTS Interviews Christopher Pettiet


POP-OUTS!:"Tell us about The Young Riders."
Chris:"Well, I play Jesse James. And it takes place in the Old West."

POP-OUTS!:"Did you do anything to prepare for the role?"
Chris:"I studied up on Jesse James. Like in school, we studied him when I was younger. I guess I'll study more about him in American History next year in school."

POP-OUTS!:"What grade are you in?"
Chris:"I have two years of school left. I can't wait to graduate!"

POP-OUTS!:"Did you have to learn to ride for your part?"
Chris:"No. I knew how to ride. I have a horse at home. I used to have a few, but now I only have one. I like to ride."

POP-OUTS!:"How does it feel being in the "Old West"?
Chris:"It's diferent from other things I've done. I mean, it's not like a sitcom in modern times, but people had pretty much the same problems back then as they do now. People were basically the same."

POP-OUTS!:"Do you get along with the cast?"
Chris:"Yes. I get along well with everyone. You make friends with the other actors when you're working on a show or movie."

POP-OUTS!:"What about your co-stars in "Point Break," Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze?
Chris:"I didn't really work with Patrick Swayze. But I worked with Keanu Reeves. He was really cool. He sort of had some Bill and Ted in his real personality!"

POP-OUTS!:"What was it like on the set of "Point Break"?
Chris:"We hung out on the beach a lot and I play a young surfer dude. One day we just had some free time and we all went surfing."

POP-OUTS!:"Do you like to surf?"
Chris:"I totally love it! I love surfing. I always had this image in my mind about California, that it was surfer guys who run around with their surf boards and their wax and hit the beach. Boy, was that untrue!"

POP-OUTS!:"Who is a role model for you?"
Chris:"Um, lets see. I guess I would say my dad. Because of his values and morals and things he does."

POP-OUTS!:"Tell us about your role in "Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Dead."
Chris:"That was about two years ago that that movie was made. I played Zach Crandell, one of the kids. He was 13 going on 30!

POP-OUTS!:"And how old are you, Chris?"
Chris:"I'm 15. My birthday is February 12."

POP-OUTS!:"If you could do anything in the world for a day, what would you do?"
Chris:"If I could do anything at all? I'd go to Indonesia and go surfing. I really want to visit there."

POP-OUTS!:"Would you take someone with you?"
Chris:"I would take Heather. She's my friend."

POP-OUTS!:"What type of music do you like?"
Chris:"I like rap. And my favortie kind of music is 70s funk. I like K.C. And The Sunshine Band, Parliament, the Funkadelics. None of my friends know who any of them are! But that's my favorite music.

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