Facts About Anthony Zerbe

Birthday: May 20, 1936

Siblings: ?

From: Long Beach, CA.

Education: Graduated from high school in the mid-50s.

Height & Weight: ?

Hair Color:Brown and Gray

Eye Color: Brown

Hobbies: ?

Acting Credits: Films include: "Cool Hand Luke," "Will Penny," "The Molly McGuires," "They Call Me Mister Tibbs," "The Liberation of L.B. Jones," "The Omega Man," "The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean," "Papillion," "The Parallax View," "The Laughing Policeman," "Rooster Cogburn," "Farewell My Lovely," "The Turning Point," "Who'll Stop the Rain," "The First Deadly Sin," "The Dead Zone," "Mismatch," "Hear No Evil, See No Evil," and "License to Kill." Mini-series and Movies of the Week include: "Jack Reid," "Astroid," "On Seventh Avenue," "Treasure Island," "Once An Eagle," "Ari," "One Police Plaza," "North and South," "Dream West," "How the West Was Won," and "Contennial." Broadway productions include: "Terra Nova," "Solomon's Child," "The Little Foxes," and "Moon Besieged." TV series include "The Young Riders" and the episode called "Wild Boy" of Little House on the Prairie."

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