Ken Kolb's Experience With TYR #4


Well, we meet again, pardners! I'm back for one more behind-the-scenes peek at what goes on with The Young Riders. One of the most interesting experiences I had when I guested on the show was during the filming of a scene where Yvonne Suhor's character, Lou, disguises herself as a dance hall girl.
When I saw Yvonne in the morning, she was doing a scene in her old grubby Pony Express clothes, and them I left, and when I got back later, she was all madeup for her 'other' performace! Let me tell you, I didn't even recognize that lady!
I walked on the set and saw this beautiful girl in a gorgeous dress and said "Who is that?" Everyone laughed, because they knew what was happening, but I was just amazed when they told me. The transition was amazing, and you know, she beamed at my reaction! I think she loved playing a woman for a change! She is such a good actress, too. I guess you can tell she's one of my favorites!
Speaking about favorites, Josh Brolin seems to be a favorite with fans, and what's nice, is that there is no jealousy or bad feelings from anybody about it! Josh gets the most mail and he's generally featured pretty prominently in each show. In fact, in The Young Riders poster, he's front and center!
I mentioned the show's stunt man, Monte Stuart, last time and how he can dress up to look like anybody in the cast--and he can! He's great. A couple of times I couldn't tell the difference between Monte and the star for whom he was acting as a double!
If he puts on a wig and a certain outfit, he looks like Josh. A different wig and a new outfit and you can't tell him from the real Gregg Rainwater or Ty Miller. It's unbelievable! In various scenes, lots of extras who play the wranglers do double for the riders, but when the cameras have to move in close for some tricky shot, that's when Monte steps in!
And now, it's time for me to step out! It's been great giving you the Young Riders scoop each month, and working on the show was a wonderful experience--something I'll never forget! If I guest star on the series again, I'll make a point of getting some special information on the cast for all STARZ readers!

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