Shy Ty

You wouln't find 26-year-old Ty Miller making the scene around Hollywood. Nope-he doesn't "do" parties, night clubs, film premieres or any of the other "glamorous" pasttimes of young hip celebrities. Why? Well, Ty's basically a pretty ordinary guy who's not at all comfortable competing for the fleeting lights of fame.
When asked to describe himself, Ty blushes momentarily before replying. "Ummmm....I would say that I'm trustworthy, friendly, laid-back and introverted. Private would be a good word." He grins, "A lot of people tell me I am that way, so I would imagine that they are right!"
If this doesn't sound typical for the young star of a hot series, that's because Ty is a bit different. He's not at all hung up on fame! Although he loves his role as "The Kid" on The Young Riders, he doesn't really want people to make a fuss over him.
Part of the reason for his mellow attitude is that Ty never really meant to become an actor. This California native only started doing commercials to make extra money while studying business in college. But, before you could say 'lights, camera, action!' the acting bug had bitten hard!
"This is really what I love to do," says brown-haired Ty. "If I keep working, then I will be happy." Ty also wants to try his hand on the other end of a camera. "I eventually want to get into directing and get into my own things," he says.
With his own brand of low-key charm, good looks and serious acting talent, you just know that anything that Ty wants, Ty will get!

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