Ty Miller Talks to Dream Guys

Dream Guys:"How are you Ty? You have a very unusual name. How did you get it?"
Ty:"I'm good, thanks for asking. Actually, I was named after an outlaw in the 1870s named John Wesley Hardin, who shot a guy in the back for snoring. My dad loves the west and named my older brother Will after the legendary actor/humorist Will Rogers. It's pretty ironic that I was named after an outlaw."

Dream Guys:"How would you describe your character, "The Kid" on "The Young Riders"?
Ty:"He's a pretty simple person. He absorbs information and doesn't say much. But if he wants to do something, he does it. "The Kid" is soft-spoken, honest and a little introverted. He's the leader of a group of young riders."

Dream Guys:"Were you a fan of western TV shows before starting the show?"
Ty:"Yes, I loved watching the old western shows on TV and I'm glad that, not only are they re-running them, but there are a few new Western shows on the air. Some of the best old shows were the Westerns like "Wagon Train" and "The Big Valley" and when they went off the air, that kind of show was gone for so many years. Now there's our show and "Paradise."

Dream Guys:"How would you describe yourself?"
Ty:"I'm like "The Kid" because I'm shy too. For a while before I started acting, I was really shy. I think I'm laid-back and very friendly."

Dream Guys:"How do your parents feel about your entering show business and becoming an actor?"
Ty:"They always encouraged me, although my dad wanted me to go into business with him. When I told him I wanted to act, he was real supportive. My parents were behind my decision all the way."

Dream Guys:"What was the best experience you've had as an actor so far?"
Ty:"I guess the most exciting thing that happened to me was the day Aaron Spelling told me I got my part on "Hotel." It was a great feeling. I got in the car, turned up my stereo and started driving. I was so excited."

Dream Guys:"What do you like to do in your spare time?"
Ty:"I'm an avid bike rider. I ride about 50 miles a day when I have the time. I also have a motocycle and love listening to music by U2 and Stevie Wonder. I play the guitar and sing, too."

Dream Guys:"What kind of girl do you go for?"
Ty:"It's hard to name just one quality that turns me on. I like a girl who is nice and likes to do spontaneous things like me."

Dream Guys:"What do you see in your future?"
Ty:"To keep acting. In the future I'd like to become a director and become more involved with real estate."

Dream Guys:"Thanks for chatting with us, Ty."
Ty:"Thank you."

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