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Monkey Toes Pics

Welcome to Michaela's Pictures.
As you can see quite alot has
changed in the past 7 1/2 mo.
She has even acquired quite a few
new nicknames.I call her "Monkey Toes".
I don't know why, but I just
started calling her that and it has stuck.
She even "answers" when I call her that.

Her momo calls her "Little Birdie",
her mom calls her "Kayla",
and her sister calls her "sister". She
is not going to know what her name is, so
she'll probably just answer to all of them.

We were headed out on vacation here.
Michaela rode with me, as my
husband and Shawn were coming in
later.I put Beth's sunglasses on Michaela
and for some reason she liked them.

Miss Hollywood

Some serious thought here!
"What is this stuff that tickles me?"

Michaela loves to play with my cat "Tinky"

Have you ever seen a more precious baby girl?

I think she looks like her Aunt Cindy, well, maybe a little bit, maybe????