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Michaela Mechelle


I would like to take this opportunity
to say congratulations to
my "sister" Jody on the birth
of her new daughter
Michaela Mechelle.

Happy, but very tired Mommy and Michaela
Jody had a very rough time
getting little M&M here. We
are all so very grateful to have
them both come through all this healthy.

Michaela was born on Tuesday,
Nov. 28, 2000 at 6:13 a.m.
(wow, what an early riser!) She
is not a light weight either.
She weighed in at 9 lb. 13 oz.
and measures 23.5 in. long!! Her
head is 14.25 in. and her chest
is 15 in. Told you she is a BIG
little girl.

Michaela has a big sister named
Elizebeth Mae ("Beth") who is 4 and
3/4 yrs old. Beth loves her baby
sister alot. The day Michaela
was born Beth held her and rocked
her and sang "Rock-a-By-Baby"
to her. She said if she started crying
again just let her have her and
she'd sing her to sleep. She's sucha big
little "mom" to her baby sister.

Momo and Michaela
Can you tell she's a happy
Grandma or what. Now Momo will tell
you she doesn't spoil her grandkids,
but let me assure you there is never
a shortage of children to be
found at her house. Wonder why?
Congratulations Momo!!

Paw Paw and Michaela
You'd think she was his first
grand child, but not he is always this
excited when he gets a new baby to spoil.
Congratulations Paw Paw!!

Great grandma Evelyn and Michaela
"Meme" as Beth
calls her G-grandma is very excited to
have finally gotten her newest
Great grandaughter here. Have fun Grandma,
Try not to spoil her before I get to.

"Aunt Cindy" and Michaela
Finally, You know I can't be
left out of this part either.
(Just remember what little sleep
and preparation I'd had
before this picture was taken~~HAHA!!)

This is Michaela a few months later.
Time really flies doesn't it?

Isn't she adorable!!
Looks just like her Aunt Cindy huh? (hahaha)
I don't think there's ever been a sweeter looking baby girl.

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