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(updated: 10/24/05)

WEEK # 04 ~ Run Down




After the initial 11, the top 6 went into game 2 with 204 (Todd~sub) being low to make the cut. It took 206 (Mark B.) to get into the final 3. Ray B. took the prize in week 4 with a 263, while Mark B. (221) and Pat C. (203) finished 2nd & 3rd, respectively.



Winners of this week's card games were Rick P. (4~3's), Mark B. (Full house), and Todd~sub (Full House).


Individual Highlights For The WEEK:

Game 1: Mark B. had a 221; Jim K. had a 184; Mike L. had a 205; Pat C. had a 233; Ed H. made the 4-7-10.

Game 2: Tom K. had a 189; Mark S. had a 200.

Game 3: Mark B. had a 221; Ray B. had a 246; Doug Z. had a 195.



Team BISHOP dropped game 1 by 2 pins, eeked out game 2 by 4, and lost the 3rd by 97 pins to Team FOWLER.

Team KLEVER lost game 1 by 90, took game 2 by 17 pins and lost game 3 by 95 to Team HOP-TO-IT.

Team LEASE was on the short of game 1 by 35, lost resoundingly in Game 2 by 124 but redeemed themselves in Game 3 taking it by 70 over Team CORP.

Team SCHAFER took all four points from Team HUNTER by 24, 19, & 30 pins, respectively.
