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(updated: 10/24/05)

WEEK # 05 ~ Run Down




After the initial 12, the top 6 went into game 2 with 212 (Ray B.) being low to make the cut. It took 218 (Mark B.) to get into the final 3. Mark B. took the prize in week 5 with a 269, while Pat C. (235) and Mark S. (203) finished 2nd & 3rd, respectively.



Winner of this week's card games were Mark B. (Flush, 3~8's, & Flush).


Individual Highlights For The WEEK:

Game 1: Mark B. had a 255; Peewee had a 206.

Game 2: Pat K. made the 5-10 split; Pat C. had a 219; Mark S. had a 188.

Game 3: Mark B. had a 269; Pat C. d a 201.



Team KLEVER dropped games 1 & 2 by 31 & 6 pins, and eeked out game 3 by 7 over Team LEASE. Team LEASE earned 3 points on the night.

Team HUNTER ran into the buzz-saw known as Team FOWLER who took all four points by an average of 20 pins.

Team BISHOP started out strong but dropped all three games by 9, 62, and 40 pins to Team SCHAFER which helped SCHAFER earn 4 points.

Team CORP faced a strong Team HOP-TO-IT and lost games 1 & 2 by 42 & 52 pins. Game 3 was where they got their only point, as they took that game by 67.
