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(updated: 11/08/05)

WEEK # 06 ~ Run Down




After the initial 11 bowlers, the field was cut down to 6 for game two with 192 (Jim W.) being the low to make the cut. To get into the final three, it took a 224 (Mark B.). Jim W. outlasted the onslaught of Buganski’s rolling a 238, while Ray B. threw a 223 and Mark B. had a 203.



This week's card games were won by Pat C. (flush), Mark B. (full house), and Joe D. (Straight)


Individual Highlights For The WEEK:

Game 1: Mark S. had 224; Joe D. (yes I said Joe D.~he’s back) had a 222; Ed H. made the 5-7; Doug Z. had a 210

Game 2: Mark B. had a 224; Beth B. had a 148; Mark S. had a 185; Mike L. had a 245; Ray B. had a 236; Jim W. had a 223.

Game 3: Pat C. had a 200; Ray B. 223; Jim W. rolled a 222 to finish the night with 621.



Team HOP-TO-IT continued their winning ways by taking 3 points from Team BISHOP. Team BISHOP found the fortitude to eek out Game 3 by 38 pins to earn their lone point.

Team SCHAFER had troubles with Team CORP--who brought up Joe D. from the farm league to fill in. Game 1 came to a tie at 619. SCHAFER took game 2 by 93 but dropped game 3 by 25 pins to earn 2 ½ points on the night.

Team HUNTER took games 1 & 3 by 39 and 5 pins to earn 3 points, while Team LEASE rose up and got their only point in game 2 winning it by 74.

Team FOWLER got on their steam roller and swept Team KLEVER by an average of 38 pins a game.

After Week #6, Team HOP-TO-IT continues its first place standing but shares it with Team FOWLER. Both teams have 17 points. Team CORP slipped back to 3rd at 15.5 and Team SCHAFER rounds out the top 4 at 14.5 points.
