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(updated: 12/05/05)

WEEK # 9 ~ Run Down




Week 8's brackets game was won by Mike L.--time to adjust his hdcp. After the initial 12 bowlers, the field was cut in half for game two with 171(Don C. & Ray B.) being the low to make the cut. To get into the final three, it took a 196 (Joe D). Mike L. outlasted the other two in the last game with a 238. Ed H. & Joe D. finished second & third, respectively.



This week's card games were won by Ed H.(2 Pair-twice), Mark B. (full house)


Individual Highlights For The WEEK:

Game 1: Ed H. had a 232; Joe D. had a 214; Mike L. had a 196.

Game 2: Bryan B.(sub) had a 225; Roger R. made the 5-7; Ed H. had a 222.

Game 3: Peewee had a 212; Mike L. had a 214; Dan L. had a 170; John B. made the 3-10.



Team HOP TO IT too all four points from Team FOWLER.

Team CORP dropped all four to Team LEASE.

Team SCHAFER dropped all four to Team HUNTER.

Team BISHOP eeked out 1 point from Team KLEVER who picked up three on the night.
