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(updated: 01/04/06)

WEEK # 12 ~ Run Down




Week 12's brackets game was won by Mark B. After the initial 12 bowlers, the field was cut in half for game two with 198 (Mark S. & Joe D.) being the low to make the cut. To get into the final three, it took a 224 (Ray B.). Mark B. outlasted the other two in the last game with a 208. Ray B. & Joe D. finished with a 197 & a 191.



This week's card games were won by Mark B. (Full-house & ????) & Pat C. (4-Aces).


Individual Highlights For The WEEK:

Game 1: Ryan B.(sub) had a 226; Jim K. had a 188; Mark B. had a 245; Mark S. made 2~3-10 splits; Ed H. had a 269.

Game 2: Ryan B.(sub) had a 225; Mark B. had a 279; Ray B. had a 224; Dave H. made the 1-2-4-10.

Game 3: Rayn B.(sub) had a 245 to finish with a 696; Joani A. had a 169 game.



Team KLEVER, with the aid of Bugs III (Ryan) took game 1 by 35 but dropped games 2 & 3 by 65 and 2 pins to Team BISHOP who earned 3 points on the night.

Team HOP-TO-IT had a tie in game one (611) and dropped the last two games by 46 & 38 to Team FOWLER which earned them 3.5 points and the early 2nd half lead.

Team LEASE, refreshed after a reprieve from the snow, came out strong with a 59 pin victory but stumbled in the last two dropping them by 46 and 40 pins to Team SCHAFER.

Team CORP bounced back after losing game 1 by 29 pins and took the last two by an average of 71 to earn them 3 points on the night from Team HUNTER.
