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(updated: 01/17/06)

WEEK # 13 ~ Run Down




Week 13's brackets game was won by Don C. After the initial 16 bowlers, the field was cut in half for game two with 194* (Peewee) being the low to make the cut. To get into the final three, it took a 211 (Rick P.). Don C. outlasted the other two in the last game with a 234*. Brett Q. & Rick P. finished with a 222* & a 164.



This week's card games were won by Bugs(2-pair), Ed H.(3-Jacks), & Joe D.(straight).


Individual Highlights For The WEEK:

Game 1: Dick S. made the 1-2-7-9; Mark B. had a 259; Ray B. had a 225.

Game 2: Bryan B.(sub) had a 264; Rick P. had a 211; Ed H. had a 220; Brett Q. had a 164; John B. had a 183; Don C. made the 5-10.

Game 3: Bryan B.(sub) had a 238; Pat C. had a 213; Dick S. had a 187; Jim W. made the 4-7-9 and the 5-10; Brett Q. had a 135; Joe D. had a 232 for a 639 series; Don C. had a 178.



Team LEASE started out slow dropping the first two by 85 and 76 to Team CORP. They claimed their only point on the night in game 3 with a 2-pin victory.

Team SCHAFER had to stay on the toes the whole night winning each game by 17, 15, and 27 to score 4 points on the night from Team HUNTER.

Team KLEVER didn't have an answer for Team HOP-TO-IT as they dropped all 4 points by an average of 88 pins a game.

Team BISHOP had very little trouble tallying 4 points on the night against Team FOWLER. They won each game by 15, 66, and 28.

After Week 2 of the 2nd half, Team BISHOP & Team SCHAFER stand atop the league with 7 points. Team CORP is in 3rd with 6 and HOP-TO-IT is at 4.5 points.
