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(updated: 02/15/06)

WEEK # 18 ~ Run Down




Week 18's brackets game was won by Dan L. After the initial 14 bowlers, the field was cut in half for game two with 209* (John B.) being the low to make the cut. To get into the final three, it took a 233* (Brett Q.). Dan L. outlasted the other two in the last game with a 221*. John B. and Brett Q. finished with a 215* & a 188*.



This week's card games were not played due to low bowler turnout.


Individual Highlights For The WEEK:

Game 1: Jim W. made the 5-10 split; Ray B. had a 236; Scott K.(sub) had a 244; Doug Z. had a 191; Dan L. had a 186; Brett Q. had a 148.

Game 2: Jim K. had a 180; Ray B. had a 224; John B. made the 3-10 & had a 235; Doug Z. had a 188; Dan L. had a 191; Brett Q. had a 153.

Game 3: Jim K. had a 178; Jim W. had a 212; Ray B. finished with a 664; John B. finished with a 575; Scott K. finished with a 672; Doug Z. finished with a 534; Dan L. finished with a 546; Brett Q. finished with a 409.



Team KLEVER took all four points from Team CORP winning each game by an average of 33.

Team SCHAFER couldn't seem to get it going as they dropped all four points to Team FOLWER by an average of 64.

Team BISHOP took game one by 11 and game 2 by 32 but dropped game 3 to Team LEASE to earn 3 points on the night.

Team HUNTER dropped game 1 by 77, came back in game 2 for a 13-pin win, but dropped the 3rd game by 34 to Team HOP-TO-IT who earned three points on the night.
