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(updated: 02/28/06)

WEEK # 20 ~ Run Down




Week 20's brackets game was won by Pat c. After the initial 18 bowlers, the field was cut in half for game two with 202* (Pat c.) being the low to make the cut. To get into the final three, it took a 210* (Mark S.). Pat C. outlasted the other two in the last game with a 243*. Brett Q. and Mark S. finished with a 202* & a 177*.



This week's card games were won by Tom C.(sub)(full & a straight) and Rick P. (Full house).


Individual Highlights For The WEEK:

Game 1: Mark S. made the 3-10 & had a 176; Brett Q. had a 162; Pat K. had a 143; Tom c.(sub) had a 242.

Game 2: Mark S. had a 180; Rick P. had a 237; Doug Z. had a 186; Ed H. had a 222; Mark B. had a 225; Paul (sub) had a 244.

Game 3: Mike L. had a 206; Ray B. had a 235; Tom C.(sub) had a 223 to finish with a 669.



Team SCHAFER dropped the first game by 43, rebounded in game 2 with a 58 pin victory but let game 3 slip away by 55 to Team LEASE who earned 3 points on the night.

Team HUNTER dropped all 3 games to Team CORP by 11, 30, and 52, respectively giving CORP 4 points on the night.

Team FOWLER didn't get things rolling until game 3 after they dropped the first 2 by 100 & 84 pins. They earned their only point in the last game with a 25-pin victory.

Team BISHOP got their only point in game two, as they won 616 to 559. Team KLEVER/subs took games 1 & 3 and total.

After Week 9 of the 2nd half, the field of teams seem to be drawing closer. There is only a 6.5 point differential between the first & last place teams. Team SCHAFER remains in first by a 1/2 point at 21. Team HOP-TO-IT is second at 20.5 points. Team BISHOP falls back into 3rd at 19 & is tied with Team CORP.
